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Welcome to the Slaughter House! (still in the process of setting it all up)

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The Slaughter House!


UK 174's website is a work in progress. But... It is up and running. feel free to visit, Sign up and use the forums

(made for my Origins server but will be used for this server to)


Server Information:

Server Name: Slaughter House

Map: Lingor Island

Server difficulty: Veteran

. Server Version: Not sure, believe to be latest

Server IP:

Server time : always day (can be changed)

Server is still being set up by my self, you can join it, but it may go down at any time.


Server Rules:

No malicious chat.

- No racism (racism results in an immediate, permanent ban)

- No voiceover Side Chat, text only (in English)

- No Hacking

- No Cheating

- No Glitch Exploiting.

Admins will give you three warnings before taking action apart from "Racism" we have a Zero tolerance towards Racism, you will recive an immediate permanent ban which you will not be able to appeal. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

TSW Anti Hack

The server uses TSW Anti Hack.

  . Note: not all Admins have access to this program only the Admins I fully trust not to abuse it. Our other Admins use a normal BattleEye Rcon program. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Voice Server:

In the next few days I plan on getting a Voice server.I am in the middle of making my choice from TeamSpeak 3 or Mumble



Our Admins are mature and friendly, and active. They like to have a laugh and don't mind the odd troll. We will never abuse our powers. all bans will be fair and justified.For whatever reason you feel your ban was not fair and was unjustified you can post a "ban appeal" thread on our website.All ban appeals will be looked at and taken into consideration no matter what you was banned for. We believe in second chances. But not third chances.if we ban you for the second time that's it you're out, no more ban appeals.



Donators will receive custom gear. please note everyone will receive custom gear but donators will get a bit more gear and a little bit higher tier, NOTHING OP!

Donators of a set amount will also receive a custom base.

Small custom base £10

Medium custom base £17

Large custom base £25.

Custom gear. this is for 1 spawn only (at the moment, I plan on making it go by time not spawns.)

***Default starting gear will be Makarov with 4 clips and 2 bandages******

Tier 1: Colt 1911, 3 mags, 2 bandages, 1 blood bag, 1 morphine £0.20

Tier 2: Double-Barreled Shotgun, 4 shells, Makarov 4 Mags 1 bandage £0.60

Tier 3: Lee Enfield 4mags, m9, 2 mags, 4 bandages and a Assault backpack £1

Rates and gear are subject to change at any moment.

The above are not over powered and can be commonly found.

For more information and other deals please contact me.

I am not turning this server into pay to win, the above may seem like it, but I will not be giving people AS-5Os or any other high powered weapons

but I have two servers to pay for at a cost of £49 and if this helps pay for it, so be it.

This also means the server has a chance of being up for longer.

I can not say this enough THE server will not be full pay to win, if you want to buy a as50, find another server that does that, I am not here looking to make money, I only want to give people a reason to donate,

so my servers will stay up for longer and you guys continue to have fun.


Thanks for reading. 

Update: Please read any Post's I post on this thread as it may contain important information.

Update 2:if you join the server please be patient, the more people that go into the server and wait the bigger chance of more people joining the server.

Update 3:Please add the server to your Dayz Commander fav list, even if your not going to join right now, please still add it, once we start getting a player base you might change your mind.

Edited by matt6950

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