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U.B.C.S. Ravin

U.B.C.S Story. Night Vision is like joyriding...

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This story follows the next day after the shootout in Vybor.

We spend our whole day watching the sun go down. No longer afraid of the night. With a third pair of NVG we hand them over to Bluefox.

We are all now sporting NVG, several M4A1's silenced, Blue with his AS50 and several clips of silenced ammo. The sun grops, its pitch black. Not a soul is awake in Chernarus...

Except for us U.B.C.S.

Now full night operational we spend over eight hours combing every city we can for car parts and Ghillie suits. It takes us a full night, but we finally find three suits and several car parts to fix up our first car together. Its loud, beautiful and red.

Now in Ghillie suits and silenced equipment we joyride down the main highway towards Chenro, blowing over zombies as we laugh at how fun it is...

Then how unfun it was when we spent half an hour trying to figure out why the gas pumps don't work... We remembered there was no power so we tried the large cylinder tank! Success! We drive off into the night just having a blast.

After a bit, we drop Hops off, he gets some sleep. Bluefox and I decide to pick up two of my friends who are new, Stuck in Chenro and Eletro.

We roll up quietly on the outskirts of Chenro to find the Deer-stand where Vivi is located. Shes out throwing flares and Blue and I become blind, nearly crashing into the Deerstand. I cuss out informing her to stop and put out the flares, dragging her out into the darkness to the car with a small G17 flashlight. Feeding her some cooked meat and passing my water bottle.

We hit up Eletro, Finding Oni stuck ontop of an industrial building, too dark for her to get down she cannot locate the ladder. Bluefox and Vivi sweep the firestation for gear, salvaging up some more silenced M4A1 ammo and I find a nice M9SD.

Taking a quick pitstop to refill some Jerry cans and refill waterbottle, we finally head to camp. After a long night out of hunting for medical supplies, finding a crashed helicopter with some ammo, fixing a car, bringing more people back to camp, all and all it was another good day. Grabbed a few screenshots with NVG and the campfire going up.

U.B.C.S. Camp.img

U.B.C.S. Note.

Must fix a car with off-roading, this Civilian Bentley is slow as hell over the grass. Sent from Ravin to Hops.

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Beautiful story as usual :)

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by looking at your screenshot: 6 zombies in the whole map, well you must have had a great time being in the server just you and your buddy... in the woods.... taking screenshots of a campfire.

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We did. Noone joined at night and everyone kept leaving. So we had a blast. We weren't trying to engage in a fight with anyone, so it mattered very little.

Gotta have some downtime, right?

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