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Wolfs travels through the waste

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Hello everyone. I'm Falgata and use the name Wolf in Day Z

I thought I should share my travels with you fellow survivors.

The day started spawning near Balota Airfield. I quickly made my way over to the abandoned buildings from the south west. I saw several zombies and made my way past them. I managed to sneak all the way over to the hangers before angering the zombie horde that had assembled near the airfield. I quickly ran for my life, only armed with a flashlight. I headed for the tower and was lucky to make it there. Once inside I quickly made my way up towards the top floor. I found a Ak on the floor, but was out of luck and found no ammo for the weapon. I grew nervouce as I could no longer here the twisted moans of the Undead hoard and to top it off I heard footsteps quickly making their way over the ground. As I stood there on the top of the tower several thought flew through my mind. Was it a bandit out to find loot would see me as a threat or was it a survivor looking for some supplies. Was the person armed, who was it. I heard the footsteps get closer and closer and then he showed himself. We both moved to the door, but was unable to move through it as we blocked each others path. We stood there, he inside and me outside and looked at each other. Then he spoke a simple word. "Friendly". It seems that it was a fellow survivor looking for a weapon and supplies. His name was Cody. We searched the hangers together and managed to arm us well. Me with a Ak-74 Kobra and he with a Remington shotgun. As we stood there in the last hanger farthest away from the tower we exchanged words. He was heading to the coast as he was to meet other friends there. I on the other hand had made up my mind to head to Zug. We parted ways there at the hanger and walked our different paths. He south and me North. As I walked away it was not long, maybe just a few minutes when I heard the shoots. I started to wonder if it was Cody shooting at a zombie, but more shoots was fired and one quickly became many, but I could not get a good bearing on where the sounds was coming from. With a heavy heart I decided that he would have the best chances to survive if I did not involve myself. Still I pondered for a while if he was still alive and with his friends. I hoped so and continued North. It was not long until I was on familiar ground near Zug. I headed for a few houses just west of Zug. I quickly killed the zombies that was there and searched the houses. I took what I could and headed up towards Zug. As I could finally see the destination for the day I felt happy that I made it so far, for the zombies at the house had hurt me a bit and I was hungry, thirsty and a little beaten. I came to a little clearing near the castle and then I heard it. Gunshots and bullets snapping at my ears, then I was hit once, but still able to walk. I could not see the shooter, but headed towards the treeline. I was quickly hit again and again before finally succumbing to my wounds, the leaf slightly more red then I remembered before I finally closed my eyes one last time.

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Its crazy how meeting REALLY FRIENDLY player enriches the gameplay. Sadly more and more I meet total morons, like that dbag in ghillie suit and some good weaponry killing people north of Elektrozavodsk.

To be honest while sneaking to Elektro firestation I've heard someone saying " friendly" and it was some guy with enfield.

He even did not murder me (I had only hatchet) and let me keep M1911 that we found in church. Moments later we parted ways as he went to meet a friend, 10 minutes ago I was 1 shotted in tower of that fireguard that is north of Elektro (part of powerplant) by said dbag in ghillie suit.

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Well today my dear fellow survivors I murdered someone, with intent and without any aggression from the victim. I've recently begun playing with a group of people. After a bad night at the NWAF where we had all died. I managed to meet one of the group members. We headed North after I had raided Elektro, It was suppricingly easy with no snipers. Just a poor guy with a lee Enfield that had been killed near the hospital. I looted his body and headed north.

The Trip was rather uneventful and we made it with ease to Novy Sobor and where headed for Stary Sobor. I was walking near the treeline and had lost contact with my friend. Suddenly I heard running from ahead. Expecting to see my friend I saw another player. I was quiet and did not move and the player did not see me. I saw quickly that he was armed with a light Machin gun and had a coyote backpack. I on the other hand had a lee enfeild from the poor bastard in Elektro. I aimed at the players back and shot him two times in the back. He fell after the first one. I went to loot the body and behold I had hit paydirt. In his backpack he had a AS50 sniper rifle and all the gear one could ever want. I went to try and find my friend. He stood in the middle of a field and had just spotted me when he got shot. I quickly made a run for it and headed west along the treeline. I wonder if it was his friend that had been informed of our location or if it was just a bandit.

Anyway it was a exciting day and with my equipment I can not possible be sad. See you out there. Stay safe.

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