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PLAY WITH YOUTUBERS! Paradise Gaming - The official server for many YouTubers

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Ever like the idea of playing with people who record their DayZ experiences and put them on the internet? Now you can! Presenting Paradise Island!

Server is Private Hive and based in Washington DC, so you can come on and not worry about your geared character getting killed.


Connection info:

- Filter "Paradise Island" in play withSix or DayZ Commander or use "Remote" whilst in game to connect directly!

- Server IP:

| Port:



Q: How do I know people will play on the server?

Answer: I have been on YouTube for over 5 years and I have met many people. I have played with the likes of SeaNanners, Hutch, WoodysGamertag and the list goes on. I have invited many of my old friends to come and join me on this server and many have accepted claiming that this will be there first stop if they want to play DayZ and currently many of my friends are recording their own DayZ series.

Q: Who can you guarantee will be on the server at point?

Answer: http://www.youtube.com/user/Zuthar13(starting a series...hopefully)

http://www.youtube.c...ValorousDefined (me, server owner, got my own series going and it is so freaking awesome!)

http://www.youtube.c...iParadiseGaming (server owner also, has his own series)

http://www.youtube.com/user/StoneGamers123 (creates cinematics, has series)

http://www.youtube.c...ser/iDeactivate (starting series soon)

http://www.youtube.c...er/PsiSyndicate (you know him)

http://www.youtube.com/user/Sacriel (awesome man, awesome series going)

Q: What are the rules?

Answer: You know the usual DayZ rules. Don't talk on sidechat, try and be friendly, no hacking. Derp.

Q: Any extra server protection?

Answer: Yes. Gotcha anti-hack.

Q: Active admins?

Answer: Yes, we are however looking for more, contact us in game if interested. We currently have a US admin and I am in charge for the UK peeps.

Edited by melonsarecool

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good luck with your server , now hackers will know and hack

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your telling me that lewis and chris play on a 3000 odd rank server?

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@BeatSTV I have contacted them and they said they are going to play on it, yes, the server has only been around for a day dude.

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cool good luck

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Just need more players now! Otherwise we have videos with no other people in them which is boring!

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so there will be frankie and other youtubers there?????

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