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[] Crouch Volume

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This is a numerical value to the audibility of your character.


Lay Down: 1

Crouch Slow: 2

Crouch Fast: 4

Stand Slow: 2

Stand Fast: 4

Sprint: 5

That's seriously not practical. This is a zombie apocalypse, I'm supposed to be creeping around, even if I'm trying to be swift, there's no way I'm ACTUALLY that loud.

I'm going to call this a bug, because there's now way this is intended. It goes all the way up to 5 volume when at "crouch fast" on concrete.

This obviously isn't my rigs fault, it's most likely mod config, but I can't rule out server because I really don't know how ArmA works natively.

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I fully agree that this needs serious thought and consideration. I am fairly new to DayZ (as of 1.7.1) so from my "in game" personal perspective the sneaking has always been fucked on account of the recently fixed "zombie sight based on eyes not body direction" issue that was rolled back to an earlier version with the patch. However before buying Arma II and getting this mod I had spent literially days on youtube watching others play the game and they could navigate towns and cities relatively easily so long as they stayed in "crouch mode" and did not run or sprint through the area.

However even after the patch I joined on was reverted it is still next to impossible to get through a zombie populated area without pissing them all off and them suddendly sprinting towards me from all directions before I've even seen them, which is weird cause I always figured the way zombies were supposed to work was:

Zombies have way worse sight than humans but they have way better hearing and smell, I mean every zombie fan knows this, its kinda like the un spoken rules, I mean c'mon most infected dont even have eyes? How can they see me better than I see them?

I'm not a moron, I know how to sneak, replicating what I observed from others who did it flawlessly. However now it just feels impossible to get through a city or town unless totally prone, which means it takes forever to clear a town for supplies and most importantly leaves you as a massive target for other players.

I dont want to have to prone through every zombie populated area throughout the game.

It takes too long (I dont have all day to play this game unfortunately)

It makes me a massive target for bandits

But if I dont I get swamed by zeds that I cant fight off because I spawn with no weapons, I'm all for challenge, but this is just borderline impossible...

(This is not a rant, just a "bug" report, I appreciate this is an alpha n shit so dont patronize me, I love the mod, keep up the good work guys)

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I have to agree. I'm one of the people who likes the direction the mod is going, in terms of difficulty. No video games are challening anymore, so thats why.

I do feel however, that this latest change just doesnt seem to "feel" right. No matter your best efforts to sneak, it seems a little "off" and that its just not possible and thus, not working.

I do understand though, that zombies were a little passive and almost a boring obstacle to slow people down to a walk.

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Like I said, I didnt even physically play the earlier versions, only watched them and I can tell the zombie detection is abit off (ive read all recent patch notes). As a noob, people keep giving me requested beginner tips like "to survive in this game, sneak effectively, trust me I'm a pro" and when I put it to practice exactly as instructed within 5 min I find myself running for a steep hill unless I prone everywhere I go when in infected areas.

I agree with the posters above, I like the challenge, but I also want to be able to sneak effectively without having to live my life in cities in prone.

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I was JUST on it & I agree 100% with everyone here especially after being detected by not 1 but 3 zombies while prone (it was 0 for sight & sound) & 2 of them came from inside a house. So this is definitely a bug or someone goofed up the values. It's near impossible to get around at all now.

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What I am wondering is if the zombie scream radius was increased... it would make a lot more sense as to why an entire town aggro's you now instead of just the zombie you aggro'd.

As for why this is screwed up, I noticed rocket discovered that the original sound/sight system wasn't programmed correctly in the first place ( stacked if statements where only the extreme checks were used ) so he modified it. This is probably why it is so fucked up, because this version of the sight/sound was never tested before.

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I agree. Zombies were easy to sneak past in 1.7 and since the 1.7.1 patch it seems noise and sight levels have risen from 1.7 for everything except prone.

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I agree. Zombies were easy to sneak past in 1.7 and since the 1.7.1 patch it seems noise and sight levels have risen from 1.7 for everything except prone.

In my opinion 1.7 Zeds were balanced,they weren't too hard nor too easy to sneak by. But it seems this patch they're super zeds.

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These guys are practically impossible to get past.. Even when prone im getting mauled by zombies running out of tree lines who I didn't even hear! Please re-visit the sneak values and turn the nerf factor down on the super zeds. lol.

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At the moment its nearly unplayable without guns after death ...you can not sneak anymore ...better you run ... dos not make a big difference

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I do also agree, the game is way to hard now. It has gone to an unrealistic level where zombies can't be called that but superhumans. It was playable before, but now it's just to hard when they got x-ray, super hearing, seeing & speed. I do hope that this is a bug, because i really enjoyed this game until now..

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I'm in Berezino, office building from the lumber mill. I can't even take one step crouching INSIDE the building without pulling all the zombies surrounding the area.

I had to log out inside, and everytime I log in and try to get out I hear zombies running towards me with their attacking/rage sounds.

Why can they hear me through the walls? I'm only crouching slowly inside an building, no (loud) sounds should get that far outside that zombies from 30m away can hear me and instantly know where I am.

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I hate to jump on the bandwagon but I'm going to. The noise tweak is just a little bit too much.

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Yeah, i think the sound from 1.7 was good, but this is a little too difficult :(

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Im on this bandwagon too, I loved the sight upgrade from the previous update it added some challenge to sneaking because you had to wait for their back to be turned which makes sense.

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I agree to this.

Me and my team had been playing for a couple of days, taking over a little town.

It just not the same when none of us can sneak anywhere without alerting 3-4 zeds.

I do agree, it doesn't "feel" right..

I've never been in a real zombie apocalypse but..

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I'm really not enjoying the mod because of this, hopefully it is fixed soon as crawling everywhere is incredibly boring.

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I'm gonna agree that zombie awareness is a bit too high, and/or sneak visibility/sound is too high. BUT - I don't think its game breaking. I'm new, and just getting the hang of it, but I just successfully made my way through two rather infested areas with only my trusty hatchet (since apparently all weapon spawns are now hatchet spans). I agree it needs to be tweaked, but I promise, if you're careful, its managable.

Consider this a vote in favor of the bug report. They are super-human.

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yeah, try to get through a town with not only zombies, but also players, you have to move fast in some occasions, this extremely high volume is just ridiculous, even if we now may get melee weapons, you start off with no weapon at all, and just sneaking half an hour to get a hatchet and then be shot to death is not fun imo

at least make crouched moving more silent than running, since visibility is also almost the same as running, crouching becomes totally obsolete

also, since getting away from zombies is now nearly impossible, you are fucked once they see you

needs a fix

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It's next to impossible to sneak around now. the only way is to piss bolt to a house and shoot them off one by one. then that attracts about another 50. so unless you have bullets.. you're fucked lol.

the 1.7 audibility was good imo. and considering the zombies being buffed a bit in the new patches it would already be a bit hard with the 1.7 style

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