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Bounty HunterZis back! - All welcome to join in the fun

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I am delighted to announce the return of our popular Bounty HunterZ event on our Day Z server! For those of you who aren't aware, Bounter HunterZ was an event we ran last year successfully for a number of months whereby targets were announced at the beginning of the week (from volunteers) with a reward for their capture/kill and/or any extra objectives.

Well now it’s back, and better than ever with the chance for participants to win cool stuff, such as rare weapons, exclusive vehicles and equipment and rare tools/items.

The event is on-going with a list of targets and rewards being posted each week on our the website (http://www.bsbnetwor...m/bountyhunterz) and everyone is welcome to enter. Players who complete the "hit” and any additional objectives can claim their bounty. Targets that manage to evade their pursuers (and have been active on the server!) can also win rewards. Not to mention the adulation and satisfaction of bating loads of other players to the prize!

Targets are picked randomly from volunteers , to volunteer you simpley complete the form on the Bounty HunterZ event page (EVENTS section of our website) and I will inform you when you have been selected.

Full rules and details of the event can be found on our Bouny HunterZ event page here;


Hope to see a few of you in-game soon!

Edited by Box
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