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Looking for some people to play with.

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Hey we are looking for some people to play with, we are friendly, kinda......

We play mostly weekends, and we are planning to do a lot of pvp.

Must be over the age of 15 please. Your balls have to be touching the ground to join us.

Add me on skype: Atomic.Diarrhea

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check us out @ The BSB Network mate - http://www.bsbnetwork.com

We've been playing Day since launch and will be playing well into Stand Alone so we're stable and not some clan that will be gone by next month! We have our own populated custom server, our Own Mumble comms server and we have our members divided up into 3 different factions, Ravens (Heros), Scorpions (Bandits) and Jackals (merchant/mercenaries). We play weekly events in a faction wars season, have constant battles between factions and smaller clans/groups/lone wolves and generally have a good laugh and bit of banter as we are doing it! It's all good fun and theres no silly rules or trials, just fair play and common sense!

If you are interested check out the website and apply there. Or you are quite welcome to join our server any time and run witha few of the guys, no obligation to join! Try and get on Mumble though too as it makes things much easier!

Hope to see you in game soon!

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