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(10th) Ronan

10th Tactical Regiment

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10th Tactical Regiment is currently looking for new members to join our squad. We are in need of Clan Officers / High Command Ranks (Admins) If you're a veteran player interested in joining an organized squad please register on our site below or even join our teamspeak 3.

All 10th Regiment members arefriendly soldiers and will only shoot at other people if fired at. 10th Regiment has access to all Vehicles in base this includes APC (1) Water APC(1) Tank (1) Base had tents up with stored food / ammo. If you wish to become part of our Regiment please simply join the server or even post a recruitment application on the forums. If you do deside to join enter the server with this tag. [10th] Pvt. Namehere

All ranked members will be given there own Orders within the clan and must always respect the members of the clan even if there just a Recruit. All members of the 10th will be given there very own Custom Suit depending on what Position they want to join from Camo - Soldier - Ghille. And maybe even a Default M16 rifle.

We have a minimum age requirement of 16.

Hacking is NOT tolerated.

TEAMSPEAK IP: gwyd.com (Not website)

Website is http://10thtactical.icyboards.net (Default theme working on it) (Also domain soon)

Private Hive Server(Can be changed to Public) DayZChernarus Home Of The 10th Tactical Server is currently hosted in the uk but can be changed to US location if requested.


We look forward to you signing up with us!

Capt, Ronan

Edited by (10th) Ronan

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Next 10 people to join the 10th will get ranked up to the top 10 ranks first 5 gets into High Command. (Lt+) The other 5 gets into Officers Command. (Sgt+)

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Bump 10th Regiment now has 6 members! join today and come chill with us at our base with a camp fire sing a song or 2 and have fun on convoys raiding all sorts! still looking for Mature Regiment Officers.

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Come join us have fun lead people into battles! choose a unit! Soldier, Sniper, Medic! Even pilots wanted Squad leaders wanted Major wanted apply now!

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Bump. Looking for a server that will never go offline due to no payments then join our and join the clan too!

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Wanna make your own base? join our server the 10th will be allied or enemy's its your choice!

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Please be aware that this request from your member Ronan has no affiliation or ever been a member of 10th Tactical Regiment and is a total impostor using our clans good name and signatures to promote his own clans name, I would be happy to explain further and you contact myself from the contact us icon on our website www.10thtactical.com


Many Thanks


ZeN 10th admin

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