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Silliest excuse for an Admin Ban.

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Trolls always have to ruin everyone's serious posts, its annoying as posts like this need urgent attention & need to be looked into to give out the correct response to the problem in hand. I agree with you totally Mr Shroom ( DevilsUrn)

I have your back in every fight forward from this point literally as we all know how you love a big guy behind you at all times watching your "back" :thumbsup: :o

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terraknight summed it up nicely.

Being banded on other servers just shows how shady of a character you are,

DayZ forums, Our forums, or origin forums wont cause a lift for your ban or any harm to our server. fact is we pay the bill, we keep the server original to origin guidelines and yes we will remove asshats like you.

Funny tho how with so much hate towards tkg and its server you loved it here and played daily for weeks.

I look forward to reading your next servers "they ban me thoes baddies" post.

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As you can see ladies and gentlemen, I have the mobs attention. This is why from the previous ban I tend to accept the punishment and label it silly.

Firstly. I don't hate any of them. Hate, I find it's a strong word. So by implying that I do accomplishes what exactly? (Fuel for the fire) I avoid these guys because of the behaviour coming from [TKG] members and admins on their TeamSpeak. They fool around on the expense of others displeasure and find it amusing. I for one refused to jump on that band wagon because I find that mentality repulsive! Now I'm busy creating my own community and doing my own thing for which I hope will be a haven for anyone that wishes to part of it.

I've asked for the evidence yet all I've received are trolls and lies filled with huge contradictions. These guys are clearly on the TeamSpeak talking about this matter and thought they'd try to be smart. Yet, by the end of the day none of them could get their story straight. This to me implies a vindictive nature and as a result a pure fabrication about cheating. In the end I had 4 guys out smarted and none of them challenged the stand off they forced upon me in game. So instead of playing fair or using their own collective intelligence to deal with this situation. They resulted to kicking and fabricated lies to justify their own stupidity.

That is why I created this thread. To show the members of DayZ community the true nature of people who use their purses to get something or other over on someone else.

It's a game and I for one believe in playing it for all of it's intentions. Let me be clear once again here. I've never used or promoted the use of cheating because I find DayZ appealing. it's one of those games that bring the thrill of the hunt or of being hunted. Surviving is a must especially after spending hours gearing up. It's just a shame is all that we have a few people that are going out of their way to spoil it for the majority of us.

Right I'm off to start over to find another server to cause hell on. I think this time around I will chose to be a bandit.

Edited by DevilsUrn

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All this Hostility to DevilsUrn is not on !! He is my mentor in DayZ & he's a very good one at that !!

I've learned everything that i know about DayZ from him, he's shown me how to camp correctly, how to boost, how to correctly give out valid seeming excuses when needed etc etc ...

Ive followed him day to day on DayZ & have monitored his paths on the game of how he steals & pillages everyone elses equipment as how he's told me before in his own words " Oh im a lazy sh#t bruv & can't bothered doing it myself init, so i just steel everyone elses bear gear & blame it on some other bandit chav !! safe blud "

His tactics in game are outstanding & he's the best person to pay for these elite moments & training, ive praise him on his teaching abilities & the fact that he offers out ESP hacks as a complimentry bonus to the training package is Amazing !!

I have nothing but good things to say about DevilsUrn & his SHROOM Dayz tag & i hope he can rise above the hurtfull comments from TKG & carry on giving out his lessons to other unexperienced DayZ players so he can create another generation of Noobs for everyone to kill & laugh at like himself.

Without further ado i leave this post with five simple words ..." Shroom Grow The F**K Up !!'

I would love to know what this man-child's real forum username is, so I can be sure to remove any object with sharp corners from any threads he posts in.

I mean, I understand disagreeing with OP but to go out of your way to do this just screams stupid.

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This is speculation but by judging by his rhetoric, lingo, maturity and hyperactivity.

He goes by the name of [ZnG]Spaffman AKA [HM]Morrison. But he's always changing his name.

Edited by DevilsUrn

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