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S.B.C Clan Recruitment

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Short Bus Commandos [sBC] is looking for veteran and new members to join our ranks. Our server is running a modded Taviana 2.0 server with custom loadouts, 350+ vehicles,self bloodbags (50% chance of infection upon blood bagging yourself) custom wardrobe and an easy mod for building your very own base. We currently have 7 members, 3 of them being very active and respectful admins. We do require you to have TeamSpeak 3 and log on when usually playing.

Server Info:


Website: http://z13.invisionf..._CLAN/index.php


  • Must be over 16 years old
  • Be an active player with a sense of humor!
  • Speak English
  • Have Teamspeak 3 / Microphone

Application form:

  • Name:
  • In game name
  • Age:
  • What role do you prefer to play in a clan? ( Medic, sniper, scavenger, ect)
  • Timezone

Feel free to join our server and ask any [sBC] members if you have anymore questions of concerns. Cheers!

Edited by Vexx

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