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* ParaNoia Team #01 * German/English, GMT+1 * Location?: Paris * SSD * Max Ping 250 * Veteran 3DP:1 * SideChat *

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Hello everyone,
we have a new DayZ Origins Server and you can be who you want. Server start was on 5/12/13

Server Location: Paris
Server on an SSD hard disk (faster loading times)
Automatic restarts all 4 hours
Cheat Protection and active Admin!
DayZ Origins 1.7.6
Arma2 103419

Veteran Server Settings

3rd Person
Side Chat

Name Plates

Our Rules:
§Using Cheats, Hacks, Script, Bots or any other software is strictly forbidden
§Do not Combat Logging or Death Dodging.
§Please only German or English in SideChat.
§Don't talk in SideChat.
§Respect the Admin and other Players
§If you gain knowledge of any violation of our Rules you have to report them.

More Information to DayZ Origins here: http://www.dayzorigins.com

I hope to see you.

Server IP:
Ts3: Coming Soon
Forum: http://paranoia-team.com
Banlist(BETA V1.0): http://banlist.paranoia-team.com

[28.5.2013]We have changed our automatic restart time from 4h to 6h. Our restart times now (6, 12)AM/PM.
[18.6.2013]Install Origins 1.7.5 and Server Wipe.
[06.7.2013]Changed our automatic restart time from 6h to 4h back. Changed Max Ping from 450 to 250. Changed Location form London to Paris. Added Banlist(BETA V1.0) - http://banlist.paranoia-team.com

[26.8.2013]Our TeamSpeak 3 Server is Online now. IP you find on our game servers.


Edited by CyPh3RX2

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YAAY. I can speak both German and english :)

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Hope to see you of our Server ;)



Edited by CyPh3RX2

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Hello everyone,

we have a new DayZ Origins Server and you can be who you want. Server start was on 5/12/13

Server Location: London, England

server on an SSD hard disk (faster loading times)

Automatic restarts all 4 hours

Cheat Protection and active Admin!

DayZ Origins 1.7.1

Arma2 103419

Veteran Server Settings


3rd Person

Side Chat



Name Plates


Our Rules:

§Using Cheats, Hacks, Script, Bots or any other software is strictly forbidden

§Do not Combat Logging or Death Dodging.

§Please only German or English in SideChat.

§Don't use VoiceChat in SideChat.

§Respect the Admin and other Players

§If you gain knowledge of any violation of our Rules you have to report them.

More Information to DayZ Origins here: http://www.dayzorigins.com

I hope to see you.

Server IP:

Ts3 IP: Coming Soon

@CyPh3RX2 der beste Admin von meinen bisher besuchten Servern

Community ist Nett und ich habe bisher noch keinen Hacker gesichtet. Ein paar Affen gibt es die einem Tierisch auf den Sack gehen wie Erbse23 und Co :D "Kinder halt"!

Server ist auf jeden fall empfehlenswert :)

For The English People --> USE GOOGLE TRANSLATE :D

Edited by xKoKSii

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NEWS: We have changed our automatic restart time from 4h to 6h. Our restart times now (6, 12)AM/PM.



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Avoid this server, since admin and his friends are abusing - teleports, weapon spawning and etc.

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Had similar experience on the server so we stoped playing there a few days back. Admin is not enforcing his own rules, ignores obvious abuse and plain outright uses admin tools to cheat. We also got the feeling there are more people with access to admin tools since we clearly saw them teleport, spawn stuff and so on. Avoid this server.

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1. Nice double Account or its your friend ?.

2. We Admins from Official Origins Server haven't Admin tools where we can spawn Weapons, Teleport, Kill Player etc.

3. Stop lie

4. Stop crying

If you to stupid to play on our Server leave and stop write crap. Thanks for write a comment.

NEWS: Install Origins 1.7.5 and Server Wipe.



Edited by CyPh3RX2

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our automatic restart time from 6h to 4h back.

Max Ping from 450 to 250.

Location form London to Paris.


Banlist(BETA V1.0) - http://banlist.paranoia-team.com



Edited by CyPh3RX2

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NEWS: Our TeamSpeak 3 Server is Online now. IP you find on our game servers.



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