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Someone to play with?

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bit bored of playing on my billy , just wonddered if someone wants to play like now? , i have no mic unfortunately but just want to team up and go on a mission

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Hi mate.

Check us out @ The BSB Network. We have our own populated server, been supporting Day Z since launch and regularly play events (such as hunt the fugatives, the death rally, assault/defend etc.). Our server is custom hive, with all teh usual custom barracks, extended urban areas, fire stations etc, but nothing OP or that makes it easy. Our memebrs are mostly adult gamers, all fair players and most will help new players gear up/survive/team up (but not all!!!). Server operates a map rotation and we switch maps at the end of each faction wars season (2-3 months).

All details are on website address is http://www.bsbnetwork.com

Very active server with 3 of our own clan teams as well as other Private groups and lone wolves - always got players on as well as loads of cool modifications and custom scripts. Server address is below;-


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you can come and play with us, we have TS so you can hear what is going on, and you can type to us in-game :)

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Share on other sites If you want a server to play on, we have a Vanilla server here, so if you want to play, we have a server that needs you :D

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