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New NA DayZ Origins Bandit Squad Looking for Members (18+)

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If you are looking to join or help create a squad consisting of only superior competitors and members who uphold a high degree of professionalism then you have come to the right place. Our goal is to create a squad of 4-6 members with competitive experience in PC gaming and a track record of success. We do not and will not own a server as our goal isn't to waste time pushing or promoting our name or brand but to spend it instead playing in already populated servers.

There will be no leadership structure other than giving all members equal consideration in all future decisions. We will not be using in-game tags or anything to identify ourselves with other than our own names. There are no requirements to being a member other than being a well above average player who can maintain a high level of professionalism and maturity. No cheaters or trolls are invited.

Our goal in DayZ is to establish and maintain a presence in multiple highly populated servers at once. There isn't much fun to be had in spending all our time in one server hoarding every vehicle item we can find, so instead we will keep things interesting by changing servers and controlling them before leaving to a new one.

If you are interested in joining please head over to the recruitment page of our temporary website: http://qotza.enjin.com/ and fill out an application. If you spend the time and effort to fill it out truthfully I can promise that you will hear a response within 24 hours. The website/squad name is only temporary and again we do not use tags or identify ourselves in game so the name really has no meaning other than the webpage you go to fill out the application.

Please do not respond to this post as I will likely never see your response.

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