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Zombies spawning in buildings...kind of makes stealth pointless now..

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I have to admit that out of all the things being changed i hate this.

Buildings were a goal while the zombies were the obstacle, you could either go guns blazing or sneak (most people sneak).

But now what is the point? if there is even one zombie in a building you have to kill it and if you do all the sneaking you just did was pointless...

I see they made the hatchet a melee (silenced) weapon and that would allow you to kill the lone zombie indoors but to force a player to have to carry said hatchet (which now takes up quite a bit of inventory) just to achieve what was in the past already achievable alone just seems silly.

Plus last time i checked zombies wander outside not camp indoors (for the most part)

I think zombies should have faster walking speed indoors to cause panic if you have a mob on you but for them to spawn indoors in just counter productive since peoples main goal is to sneak past the zombies to get to the loot areas.

TOO LONG? Simply put zombies spawning in buildings is like running your ass off to a finish line only to have an opponent already there laying in wait to punch you in the face and walk across the finish line.

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I'm not a big fan either, especially when you start with nothing. So you crawl up to a barn, but it's full of zeds so you can't do anything. Then so is the next house.

It'd be ok if it was a lot rarer, so every now and then you stumbled into a house zombie.

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*facepalm* you didn't even read jorden (unless your saying WELCOME TO DAYZ in a sarcastic sense cause it is alpha, or are you talking like one of those people that delude themselves into thinking any form of change is positive and meant to happen so it should stay like that until changed by the creator...your comment is too vague.)

The game took a step backwards not forward this is not the same kind of backwards as getting rid of starting weapons that was reasonable.

Having zombies spawn at the goal defeats the purpose of a key mechanic that helped define the mod (sneaking).

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... if there is even one zombie in a building you have to kill it ...

You do not have to kill it. Try throwing a tin can or a bottle and watch them leave the building to investigate. This one trick has been very very good to me.

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i don't think the zombies are spawning in the buildings as much as you think . i believe half the time a zombie is in the building because a player ran threw to escape the hoard. i think this is the case in buildings that have a 2nd exit .

but what do i know

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... if there is even one zombie in a building you have to kill it ...

You do not have to kill it. Try throwing a tin can or a bottle and watch them leave the building to investigate. This one trick has been very very good to me.

Having of gone into barns with a Z or two, looted the barn, and left the barn without alerting the Z's through the gratuitous use of tin cans I am left wondering were the stealth element was lost?

Just sayin... Nepo has the right idea here. GJ

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... if there is even one zombie in a building you have to kill it ...

You do not have to kill it. Try throwing a tin can or a bottle and watch them leave the building to investigate. This one trick has been very very good to me.

Oh? huh i tried throwing junk before but it never did anything but that was in 1.6 something. Well that is nifty and all but the above guy has a point when all buildings spawn any kind of zombie fresh players have next to no chance.

It would be nice to have 1/10 buildings have a zombie in it but for every building to have one it is a bit much especially for early game.

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Having zombies spawn at the goal defeats the purpose of a key mechanic that helped define the mod (sneaking).

You must be new here. You have no idea what Rocket's purpose was do you?

"A lot of people ask for realism' date=' but actually all you need is an authentic experience, you need to put them in a mindset where they’re faced with all these decisions. And so that’s pretty much what I’ve done - place the player under constant stress."[/i']


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i don't think the zombies are spawning in the buildings as much as you think . i believe half the time a zombie is in the building because a player ran threw to escape the hoard. i think this is the case in buildings that have a 2nd exit .

but what do i know

I was in Gorka and i checked every barn (that town has like 6 or 7 barns) and every one has at least 1-2 zeds in it there was no one else in town i made sure of that but yep after clearing the town 3 times every time they popped up again there was always at least 1 zed in a building.


To the people saying "oh just use junk items to lure them away" that is still on the same track of having to carry a hatchet to silently kill.

The fact of the matter is the game now requires the use of certain items to even get any kind of items... since items are now "guarded" by zeds to an extent that is just silly.

P.S.S (i like P.S ing) Ah jorden so your one of those people ok, yes i see the mans point but how he implemented "stress" through zombies spawning IN the loot location is a bit much there is a line between work and play, between difficult and frustrating...that line is now becoming a tad blurry.

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There is no line between difficult and frustrating. It's all the same. Stressful situations that cause constant worry.

Once again, that's the point of this mod. You're asking for it to be "easier" for your own benefit.

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man, think this as a real situation.

All the farmers are infected. Why all of them would be outside?

Why only 10% would be inside their farms?

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i don't think the zombies are spawning in the buildings as much as you think . i believe half the time a zombie is in the building because a player ran threw to escape the hoard. i think this is the case in buildings that have a 2nd exit .

but what do i know

I was in Gorka and i checked every barn (that town has like 6 or 7 barns) and every one has at least 1-2 zeds in it there was no one else in town i made sure of that but yep after clearing the town 3 times every time they popped up again there was always at least 1 zed in a building.


It was very tough in .1 when the loot was rubbish, literally... the technique I adopted was to double tap sprint through the building and draw the z's out, and double back to said structure and break LoS.

A few times of playing "bait the Z" yielded a fire arm, and from there a decision would ensue as to what the risk reward was for downing them before proceeding into the structure.

I suspect in .4 this will be even tougher due to the on "loss LoS" do "search and destroy" zombies, meaning the early game will be very tough... though with respect to the implied intent, it seemingly elevates the having of some loot that much more.

I am of the mind to say these are features being tested, nothing more nothing less.

I actually wish flares attracted zombies as much as a tin can TBH.

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Stealth is too risky as of 1.7, as zombies can see you from really far.

This works well for me:

  1. Run around like a headless chicken, aggro all the zombies.
  2. Run into a barn or house with two or more doors and make sure most or all zombies follow you inside, where they will be slow. Make sure they follow you to the middle.
  3. Run to another building, loot it. If you're lucky, zombies didn't find you in the new building.

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Zombies are pretty much blind, and your steps+visibility are severely nerfed indoors.

You can literally walk around straight-up, indoors, right next to a zombie. It won't see you as long as you're behind it.

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why wouldnt zombies wander into houses in real life, tehy wander , there zombies. the wind up in all sorts of weird unexpected places.

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Perhaps Rocket can have everyone spawn with a crowbar and they can melee.



P.S There is a line between difficult and frustrating but that isn't my point.

Just use simple logic here (for those people who think it is perfect the way it is)

You start with no weapons...no supplies..and now the only way to get supplies is to fight or "distract" zombies but you can't do that since you don't have anything...

It is like someone giving you the keys to a car and you don't know how to drive...but now the car has no gas and your still expected to drive.

Or the hoover dam trying to create power with no water.

Another example could be your told to go get supplies and your given no means of dealing with them...oh wait.

P.S to the ones using the phrase "why wouldn't they be indoors" i think it is fine they are indoors i am just saying every building should not have a zombie. They should be in a building every now and again but right now just seems like too much.

I say this cause i cleared a town with multiple enter able buildings (around 8 or 9) around 3 times and ever time they popped back up there was at least one zombie in it....just sayin.

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...To the people saying "oh just use junk items to lure them away" that is still on the same track of having to carry a hatchet to silently kill.

The fact of the matter is the game now requires the use of certain items to even get any kind of items... since items are now "guarded" by zeds to an extent that is just silly.

I am confused. what is silly? If I want to shoot people I use a gun. If I want to shoot people far off I use a gun with a scope. if I want to distract the Zed easily I use a tin can.

All items are not guarded only some. when I first get in I go and pick up a can or two rarely takes more than 5 mins and that includes running to a location. If I am lucky I find equipment first. Once I get my first tin cans there is no more issue.

I just use the proper equipment for the task. If I do no have the proper equipment I skip that task. For example, I see a bandit out 300 meters standing still in an open field and I do not have a sniper rifle I let him go. I see a Zed standing on a rifle and do not have anything to kill or distract it. I move on, simple not silly

Oh well to each is own.

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Its one of the best changes yet. Why do you want a predictable game?

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I dont mind the fact zeds can spawn in houses, why wouldnt they be in there. the fact they can hear you fart from inside a house a mile away is a bit annoying though

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U can throw tin cans!??



1. press f to cycle to them

2. left click top throw

3. ?????

4 profit.

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First I hated it. But to be honest - it should be like this. The infected ones wouldn`t stay out of buildings. Now I live with it... Improvise, Adapt and Overcome.

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Zombies indoors means stealth would require silenced weapon/melee weapon.. i got no problem with this except it scares the crap out of me every time!

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