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Coty (DayZ)

Suggestion: Events to flesh out the game.

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having read this forum over serveral times, it all leads to "Punish bandits" "I want natural night Vision" and, what this post is ment to adress "more zombies/exciting things!"

However, these posts seem to forget the games hard basis in trying to be as realistic as possible. So the obvious solution is to make realistic offers of possible events.

Where is the outside world? What if a small squad of trained and armed soldiers were sent once on a rare occasion to Cherno to clean up zeds? Oh, but don't forget, YOU'RE infected too, as far as the goverment is concerned! If you can fight there group maybe you can recover there weapons and gear; a barracks of loot that fights back!

You hear over your radio. A napalm strike is incomming Elektro. In the distance you hear planes flying in, do you run? Do you hide? Will it have a lasting effect? What is one of the pilots becomes a zed and crashes, would you be able to recover any supplies that weren't destroyed? Obviously this would be cleaned up after a few hours.

Maybe Zombies begin ot congregate on Cherno when players overcrowd it; forcing players to stay inside cherno as the centration of zombies around it grow, slowly moving inward. Leaving this town after the event starts and is broadcasted would cost you a disconnect penalty of some sort. Or maybe there'd just be a huge zed spawn every rare occasion, in the more populated towns.

That's the basis of my suggestion, I'd love to hear your thoughts. these sorts of things would be rare, but add spice to the game in a realistic manner and in a smaller sense sort of make everyone feel a similar hardship together, maybe even form temporary alliances to fight there way out of Cherno. I guess its like the bells and fire in Dark Souls, you can hear and see other people sharing your hardships, and sometimes that brings you closer to your fellow survivor.

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Hmm... This sounds like a good idea on paper, but then it sounds difficult to implement. Maybe with this suggestion, people could post plausible scenarios and discuss ideas at least.

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Hmm... This sounds like a good idea on paper' date=' but then it sounds difficult to implement. Maybe with this suggestion, people could post plausible scenarios and discuss ideas at least.


Difficult maybe, but the question is, is it worth the difficulty?

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On a further note(and to shamelessly self bump) There could be event-Arcs, where certain events happen only durring the course of an arc which may last a week or a few days; miltiary actions, supply drops, random dead survivors from peace corp actions, etc;

Basically, events coupled together.

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Sounds ok, but needs developing as right now it's non-specific. Check out my helo crash suggestion, seems that you might be following that idea anyway.

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Sounds ok' date=' but needs developing as right now it's non-specific. Check out my helo crash suggestion, seems that you might be following that idea anyway.


Its supposed to be a broader mechanic. I am hoping people will at least read it, and post suggestions on how to narrow it down. The helo idea you have is sort of what Im getting at, but the "event" system could be something more overarching, yet flexible enough for Rocket to work with. I am trying to suggest mechanics, afterall

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