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Disconnection issue with wireless internet

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Hey Everyone,

I've been having a rather irritating issue rather lately. When quitting DayZ, my wireless connection seems to drop out completely. The wireless card in my computer stops detecting any wireless networks for a few minutes - or until I disable the wireless card and re-enable it. It only happens when I quit the game - no other time.

The thing is, it has only happened in the last week or two - I've been playing for well over two months. The router/modem still connects to other laptops and computers in the house, even when my connection drops. I am using a TP-link wireless card in the computer, and a Netgear router/modem. I also run Windows 8. I have un-installed and reinstalled the drivers with the wireless card, as well as updated to the latest driver. So, now I'm stuck.

Any ideas?


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Sounds like a possible OS issue

It could be. I've tried a diagnostic test, and when it happens it says that the Windows wireless service is not running, and asks me to start it with admin privileges.

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It could be. I've tried a diagnostic test, and when it happens it says that the Windows wireless service is not running, and asks me to start it with admin privileges.

have you tried re-installing windows to see if this fixes it?

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Jesus Christ that's an annoying problem. Maybe internet protocols are being screwed with on exit, or your installation files of your OS, like Steak&potatoes mentioned, could be screwing with your connections. if i read correctly, other computers/tabs in your home still receive the signal but your computer is the only one that's affected? try doing a stress test load with another computer (if possible) and see if the problem happens again. it';s very rare but wireless routers have been known to short but still work but shuts out connection because it thinks that's what it's support to do after the bus load of data cross's your bandwidth. i would connect my computer to Ethernet and see if the problem still happens, if it stops, then its possible the router defective, if it doesn't then it's your OS

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Alright, in the next day or two I'll try reinstalling my OS. Fingers crossed that works. If necessary I'll try using an Ethernet cable, but I'd probably put that as one of the last things I do, as I don't really want to have 20 odd metres of cabling running across the house. Do you think it's worth setting the router back to the default settings and working from there? Although I don't see how this is completely router related - as it worked before perfectly fine - perhaps something caused it to stuff up so I guess doing every option possible eliminates possible problem sources.

Just wondering, would the fact I'm using the default Windows firewall contribute? I could use another one, but I find that this firewall and antivirus is suitable for what I'm doing so I see no need for another. I'll also run a proper malware scan just in case.

By the way, how do I do a stress test load?

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as long as your running as administrator, the firewall wont affect it... now battle eye/patches may have issues, they don't follow under the same rights, always update under admin rights when ur screwing with arma2

for your bandwidth just test your internet speed, type it in google

Edited by =DiG= Zgraphz

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Hey guys,

Any news on this topic? I have exactly the same problem, the problem only occurs after closing down dayz (origins) and returning to desktop.

I have tried several thing and can tell you that this problem wasn't solved by:

changing internet connections (tried on 2 different connection)

changing routers and/or modems (recently changed both my router AND my modem (supplied by ISP)

Re-installing windows (I did this yesterday, and the problem re-occured today)

I use Dayz commander to update and play my dayz origins.

I am currently using an MSI ge60-0ND laptop, all games online (mostly league of legends) or otherwise work like a charm; dayz is really the only problem

Edited by DeagleG

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Possible Solution. I was having the same problem, looked at every angle until I was 100% sure it was the game or battleye.
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have you tried re-installing windows to see if this fixes it?

S&P, you know me, I own the =82nd= Airborne Divisions servers. I am having this issue as well to be honest. Windows 8 as well. Worked fine for months, now all of a sudden the passed week I have had this issue. Have reinstalled the OS, tried to do a system restore, checked the adapter, checked my drivers, checked file links, and I can't find what could be causing the problem anywhere. My problem is a little different though because it disconnects from the network, without fully disconnecting. It wil say I am still connected to the network even though I am not, and won't let me disconnect until I turn my wifi to Airplane Mode and disable/enable my adapter.

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Hey guys,

I would just like to thank dublea for his solution, it worked like a charm.

to Dlcoates1: Does it tell you it still connected but change the connection sign in your taskbar to a 'wired' internet connection sign? This was the case for me, otherwise, exactly way you describe it. If so, dublea's trick will 'fix' your problem.

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