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Need friends to play with :)

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Where are you based in the world? Also, have a look in the Private Hive Discussion forum. That has long lists of private hives/servers to join and make new friends. I'm a member of Balota Buddies but that's just one example. There are literally pages of them and some have huge membership numbers. :thumbsup:

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Where are you based in the world? Also, have a look in the Private Hive Discussion forum. That has long lists of private hives/servers to join and make new friends. I'm a member of Balota Buddies but that's just one example. There are literally pages of them and some have huge membership numbers. :thumbsup:

Yeah im from the UK, ill have a look thanks buddy

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i am in the same position , it's boring going solo , im back from uni on tuesday and will happily play with you , im also from uk , i have no mic though but oh well .

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Hi :) we are not origins, and please don't think im just advertising our server, but we are a private hive with a decent player base, and we have Team speak, we have a lot of friendly's/heroes always looking for others to play with, your both more then welcome to check it out. As i said we are not origins, but we do have base building, 4 hour days 2 hour night, we have server restarts every 6 hours. We have street lights when it is night. Chopper towing, and car towing, so it is easier to hide your choppers >< My boyfriend has added in several custom buildings, trying to make the map more balanced. Anyways, main point is, there are people always looking for others to play with, and if your bored and tired of playing alone you might as well check it out :) Oh and let me know what your ingame name is if you do :) Either way have fun, DayZ is a great game !!

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