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Sgt_Ghost (DayZ)

Kicked from ALL the servers.

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Hi there.

Lately, I've been playing DayZRP, the recent things I have installed for DayZ is the ACE mod. I managed to convince my close friend to buy Arma 2: CO so we could play Vanilla DayZ together. But now that I try to play vanilla DayZ, I try to join servers, I get the "no bad scripts found" and it disconnects me, then gives me a gray screen. I talked to an admin and they said it's because BE found "scripts" when I don't even hack? What the hell is going on? I'd like to play soon, I already deleted ACE but I don't know if that would even count as a script of it if just finds abnormal files and just gives you the gray screen automatically. Any help would be appreciated.

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If the message said "NO bad scripts found" then thats a good thing, most likely you couldnt join because you had ACE enabled, there are very few dayz servers that are compatible with ACE, as far as i can see DayZRP isnt one of them.

Just try joining again with only dayz and no other mods, if that fails reinstall dayz.

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