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The Gravy Monster

Looking for an origins clan

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Hey all, been playing origins for the past month and love it! I play on the PCGN server and have established a small solo base. Tired of getting ganked by 5 or more guys while trying to build a garage.

I'm an experienced player and would like to get on with a squad who is mature, and plays pretty regulary.

My in-game name is The Gravy Monster

I'm 23

And am tired of little kids messin up my shit and I want revenge... Cough =SS= cough.

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hey gravy monster how're doing mate?

I also play on the same server with a team of 7 memebers and i am looking for more.

Normally we dont recruit in-game but i think that wont be a problem.

If you're interested add me on steam: Jaithe2e

You will also need TeamSpeak and a mic. When you're all ready go to this Teamspeak server: nl6.ts3.instantvchat.com:11337

I am called The feared.

When joined the TS we can chat and play a bitt.. see how it goes ;)

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