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JDM (DayZ)

►US 1752◄-►Custom AI/NPC, Vehicles, Missions/Raids, Guns, Weather, Safe and Trading Zones, Military Bases, Towns, Bandit AI Boss battles - No mods◄

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US 1752 - Private Hive

-No Mods-

-Everything is Still Balanced, No Overkill-

Specific PVP and PVE (NPC and Zombie) Raid Areas

AI NPC Soldiers/Survivors - Missions and Objectives - Raids - Custom Vehicles - Custom Loot

New Buildings - More Military Bases - Modified Loot Cycles - Added Vehicle Spawns

Main Highway Lighting - Any Group or Clan can get a custom base - Bandit Free Safe Zones

City Overhauls - Modified starting gear - Glitch Recovery - New Player Friendly - No Mods Needed

4 Anti Hack Programs - Active Admins - Constantly Adding New Missions and Content

Tons Friendly Players - Map Changes Every Other Week - Trading Areas monitored by anti bandit AI.

​Hosted in Philadelphia (Est), In game time varies to accommodate late night gaming

Brand New Server Machine, No lag from US to UK

Sponsors and Supporters DeathZeroGaming.com, Kilo Company, SurvivalServer.com

Custom Vehicles (no rMod or any downloads needed)

Vehicles from Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead spawn all over the map. Due note that there is still balance. Harder to find vehicles are classified as “Super Rare” such as the BMP (apc/tank), M1A1 Abrams, Mi28, A10 or MV22 (Osprey) only couple instances of them may be found on the map. “Rare”vehicles to find include the HMMWV ( mk19), GAZ, LAV25 APC, and more. “Common” vehicles to find include HMMWV (50.), UAZ (RPK and RPD), Custom Urals, VW Gti, and Vanilla Dayz Vehicles. There are usually 1-2 Jets on the map, 2-4 helicopters, 1-2 tanks, 3-5 APCs, 7-10 Light armoured vehicles, 15+ Unarmed Custom vehicles, 70+ Vanilla DayZ vehicles on the map at any given time (mounted machine guns and small explosives have been unbanned. Bombs and Large rocket packs and some HE shells are still banned/ disabled) If you’re having a hard time finding vehicles or your friend sees them but you can't, see the Q and A section below.

AI and NPC

Non playable characters (NPC) aka Artificial Intelligence (AI) spawn. There are 3 types of AI that can spawn in towns and specific areas or wander the map. The three types are Survivors (Kill Zombies and player bandits, lightly armed), Soldiers (Kill zombies AI and player bandits, friendly toward everyone else, heavily armed), Bandits (Shot everyone except each other onsite, type of weaponry varies). Wandering Ai will often time be seen driving or flying vehicles depending on what they can find. If you kill an AI yes you can take their guns, ammo and gear.

Team Speak and In Game Chat

Team Speak for all who want, there is also open chat on the side channel

(Press “>” to get to the side channel the press “/” to chat or Hold caps lock for push to talk)

Safe Zones

Elektro is a safe zone via TSW Dome tool and AI. You will be warned upon entering Elektro that there is no PVP, only PVE. Trading and teaming up are always welcome. Zombie killing AI NPCs can be found patrolling Elecktro as well. More specifically there is a small base with a Green Hanger in South Elektro for meeting up. Free medical supplies and tents can be found there. Due note that in these safe zones there are 20+ Anti Bandit AI that will fire upon bandits onsite. More safe zones around the map are coming soon!

Custom Buildings and Military Bases

Over 1500+ Custom Objects, Buildings and military bases have been added. 6 New military bases around the map have been added, and yes they spawn loot. 30 Hunting stands along and by the coast have been added. Various Military Checkpoints along the highway. Coastal Highway fires so new players can see in the dark

Custom weapons

Such as SCAR variants, more M4 and M16 variants, Snipers, G36 Variants, AK variants, RPK, RPD, SVD, Mines, RU Gernades, IED, XM8, XM8 LMG, XM8 Sniper, PDW Silenced, Primary Gernade Launchers and much more. All added in the Military Loot cycle but the more damage they do the less chance they'll spawn.

4 Anti Hack programs

BattleEye, TheSilentWarrior, DaRT antihack and Sporkulus anti hack. In addition to active server monitoring from TSW via my tablet and my computer. Even if an Admin isnt on we still always see what's going on.

Glitch Recovery

Loose your gear because a door closed on you and broke your legs? Accidently press V instead of instead of x while in a sniper tower? Loose co We'll review the logs and check how you died and what you had on you, then we'll heal you and if need be spawn you back with your gear.


Custom missions have been added. Some you will need to fight through Bandit preparing for ambushes, or 30 zombies at a time. You will be sent off on missions like finding secret bunkers or locating a downed Spec Ops C130 even raiding a derailed train thats been turned into a bandit base. Missions are updated at least once a week. Rewards consist of weapon creates depending on mission difficulty (ex. Bandit bases are Special PMC creates including XM8s, C4 and Scars), food boxes, medical boxes, special rare vehicles, and other survival equipment. Current missions are listed at the bottom under leaderboards.

Custom Starting Gear

Glock or M9, 2 mags, Bottle of water, 1 can of food, map, flashlight. Subject to change for balancing purposes. You will never start with something overpowered

New player support

If you're new to the series me and or fellow deathzerogaming members will help you learn the basics. We want to build the Dayz community. Also you can try and join one of the clans on the server to help you better learn the game.

More weather effects

Such as rain, fog, and yes even snow at random times!

Server Message

Dayz news feed when important DayZ standalone news is released along with missions and objectives.

Play with 2 or more friends? Get a Custom Base

Get a custom base built for your group. From buildings, Vehicles, Hangers, Barrcks, Camp Fires, Military stuff etc. Not just sandbags and a tent.

Leader Boards

for kills and Survival time will be posted here and on the server message


Question and Answers as well as Troubleshooting

Have an issue? Read below first then you may PM me on here or steam (JDMTeckademics)

Q: How do you get custom vehicles to spawn without rMod?

A: PM me and I’ll explain, If you PM me that’s how I know you’re actually interested

Q: I can’t see vehicles but my friends can?

A: If starting from DayZ commander, Make sure everything is up to date. If starting from steam, start the game with Beta Patch when prompted. Rarely happens but If you still can’t solve it, I can give you a copy of the 320kb mission file to put in your profile that will allow you to see the vehicles.

Q: Why are the AI shooting at me?

A: Either you’re a bandit or they’re bandits. Also you can Agro them even if you’re not a bandit. See the Ai section above. If your humanity falls below 0 (or you kill 2-3 friendly players or AI) you will be shot on site by most AI. You can get your humanity back up overtime (few days) or by spending time around other players. If you find it annoying that all the AI shoots at you just ask and I can restore your humanity. If you mistakenly were shot while walking in front of a friendly AI I will look at the logs and maybe consider it glitch and recover your character.

Q: Just got kicked for trying to shoot a rocket missle, bomb and or all of the above.

A: Overpowered weapons are still banned to keep things in balance.

Q: My character glitched and died? Is he gone forever?

A: Contact me via PM or steam (JDMTeckademics) and I’ll look at the logs and see how and where you died. If it really was a glitch then yes I’ll recover your character.

Q: My vehicle blew up or ran out of fuel can you repair it or refuel it?

A: Depends on how long you’ve had the vehicle and if you’re a regular on the server


______LEADER BOARDS______

-Survival time top 10-

Oktober - 11 Days 7 Hours

Nickman - 5 Days 2 Hours

Joey - 4 Days 13 Hours

Chen - 3 Days 11 Hours

JDM - 3 Days 3 Hours

[DzS] Teckademics - 2 Days 19 Hours

Ru18yet - 2 Days 12 Hours

Vividichik - 2 Days 1 Hour

(FBK) Aco_War - 1 Day 18 Hours

Jimmy - 1 Day 16 Hours

-Most Time logged on the Server-

[DzS] Enzo - 21 Days 11 Hours

-Zombie Kills top 5 (current)-

Nickman - 752

JDM - 323

Oktober - 304

[DzS] Teckademics - 281

Vividichik - 242

-Zombie Kills (All Time)-

[DzS] Teckademics - 7,964

-If you want to know your current stats or all time stats on the server PM me or talk to me on the Server-


If you're interested in the joining the group that runs the server

you can contact me via PM or Steam JDMTeckademics

and feel free to check out DeathZeroGaming.com for more info.

We are also looking for dedicated players who want to become admins. We are also always open to new ideas for the server and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to let us know.

Want your server to be like mine? PM me and I'd be glad to let you know what I did.

Edited by JDM

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This Weeks Missions

Mission 13 Available: Go to Skalisty Island and discover what happened to the German Outpost in the south west. You will be rewarded with new gear and guns via ammo box at the outpost.

Mission 4 Available: Go to West Zelenogorsk and Locate the downed Spec Ops C-130 Cargo Plane. Find out what happened and collect the guns it dropped. You will be rewarded with new gear and guns via ammo box behind the C130.

Mission 7 Available: Locate the Train Wreck south of Solnichniy, word has it there were some high end guns aboard. You will be rewarded with new gear and guns via ammo box by the train.

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