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Needing a Bandit group!

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Part of a small server that only has a few people on it, most of which are one clan who are the "Good guys" of the server. We get bored. Want an apposing group.

Suggestion being, we've provided a nice amount of supplies for whomever would take said place of the Bandit group as well as a UH-1H

Events included are:

Capturing of Elektro/Cherno. (Both groups stay in selected town until only one remains)

Skirmishes (Selected areas where both groups face one another using whatever tactics they can come up with)

And other such Events.

Please PM me if interested.

Requirements: 16+, Mic, Use of TeamSpeak, Agreement to the simple rules of no hacking.


While this is only an idea, we're attempting to push it forward. If this works up, we also plan to advertise the server later

-UniversalLeo AKA Jacob Cobbs

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I like this idea, unfortunately my bandit group disbanded months ago, if you get a lot of interest of solo players I would love to join! Skype: john.epp18

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hey man if you're intersted you may join our clan.

TeamSpeak: nl6.ts3.instantvchat.com:11337

Day Z Origin server:

We are a big group who like's to day all kinds of crazy shit :P if you're intersted let me know!

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