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Looking for a group or clan to play with

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I'm currently looking for some people to play with.

I really want to play Origins, but it's borring to play alone...

So any one up for joining me, og can i come to you® group/clan ?

I got skype, vt, ts and mumble :)

Contact me on steam: Pjuske91

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Join the Ts3 server: ! :)

no one's online -.-

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Hey, if you are still looking for a group, I just joined up with a great group of guys and we are currently working on our second base. Our goal is to have enough people in the group that no one has to play alone if they don't want too. This group is filled with cool people, bandits and hero's, really fun and generous clan when it comes to supplies. We like to have fun but we are a tactical group when in combat. Is all pretty easy to pick up after a few days. I have been in the group for about three weeks and they have made it feel like my home, so if you are still interested,(and anyone else who might read) shoot me a message and I will give you our TeamSpeak and server information.

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