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Zomibies seeing me from a MILE away

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hey guys was wondering when starting as a new player how come I have literally 20 zombies chasing me.. even to the point where I lose them from hiding in trees and buildings but all of a sudden a f**kn zombie will walk through a wall and kill me?? as a new player do zombies smell u easier or something as its soo frustrating they spot me in like 2 seconds even when I try prone crawl around them from a distance.... please let me know what im doing wronge

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What difficulty setting are you playing on?

Make sure to be wary of your indicators on the top right corner for ear/line of sight.

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It might be just me but I swear the zombies have gotten more sensitive in the recent patches. They also seem extremely unpredictable. I was crawling through the grass when a hopper zombie that was about 150m away from me and parallel with the direction I was crawling suddenly got agro, I looked around for another player then realised that it was actually on me. Other times I will sprint straight in front of a zombie and be in their direct LOS for a few seconds and they won't even care. Hopefully this is all sorted in the standalone though.

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They are just random little SOBs at the moment. Aggro distance and detection doesn't seem to follow any set rules, you can literally walk up to one and no f*cks are given, yet as you say they can aggro with no real LOS or hearing range from like 100m away.

Add in the zig zagging, the stop start attacks, the hits from like 10 feet away, the attacking (and aggro) through walls and their complete lack of respect for doors and you have some really annoying zombies.

Hopefully the next patch eases some of these issues out because they are getting more health and double attack power.

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this is what stopped me playing, this stuff is MEANT to happen, it is to make the zombies "harder" to me it just feels VERY fake

roll on SA where they will be hard because they are fixed

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Hi Chizz, welcome to the forums! If you think this is bad then you should have seen the last release. They replaced it super quickly. If you reloaded makarov in Cherno, zombies would come running from as far as the Northeast Airfield and every town in between! It was nuts. We had screen shots of us in the Cherno firestation and about 400 dead zombies on the ground. Every time you shot a zombie about six more seemed to spawn right in the same place.

It is difficult but you know the best time I ever had with DayZ was when I first played. The adrenalin would be racing through my body, my heart pumping, and every second I expected some gutless sniper to pick me off because he hadn't the guts to shoot armed players just the fresh spawn bambis. It was fantastic!

Gradually, you'll learn when to run and when to walk slowly, when to crouch, how to use bushes to break the line of sight, and how far you can get without food and water. You'll learn that your axe is your best friend. You'll become an expert on where best to find what you're looking for, like weapons are found in fire stations and airfields, and churches, cafe/bars and supermarkets are good for handguns, food, bandages, drinks, even compasses and maps.

You will become the king of invisible evasion, sneaking through towns, quietly killing the zeds. And none of it will make you feel any better when a zombie lunges out of nowhere, clips you once, and you faint and die immediately. That's life! Gotta grit your teeth, smile and drag yourself back up that beach! :D

Edited by Sula
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I still get zombies chasing me no matter what. Hence why I spend all my time in the woods. What I would say though is just keep working at it.

I can go in a building with 10 zombies and get out the same way without firing a bullet. You can learn how to sponge hits as well which is good.

Like Sula said. Keep grinding

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I was up on the fire station roof (back one in Electro) and decided to take the ladder down as I didn't see/hear any zombies. Two of the shits were in a little welcoming committee for me at the base of the ladder. Lost lots of blood. Loved it!

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The zombies were rather alert I thought. The latest ones seem to give up if you run away for any amount of time. The most difficult so far in my opinion were the Namalsk zombies. Those zeds could hit you as you passed them and would sometimes hit you when they ran straight at you. Just remember that for the most part if you keep moving, they will rarely get you. Also, it never hurts to low crawl into high zombie count area, just be ready to stand up and run if they aggro.

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If you fire a lee enfield you can make them all run away

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