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iBeSwift (DayZ)

Looking for someone to play Dayz with?

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Hey guys i really looking for someone to play some dayz with, i'm from the UK and play in the evening. im 14 but im not a total idiot..... so yeah if anyone wants to play just reply to this tread.

Better if you have a mic and are 14+

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Hey :) Do you play on a server and want someone to come to your server and play, or you just looking and willing to changes servers to? JW :)

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I'm willing to play on what ever server and also i mostly play a bit of both aha B)

Edited by iBeSwift

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Hey sorry i have had a busy day lol >< Your more then welcome to join our server there are a few peeps that are looking for others to play with :) So im sure you will have no problem finding a friend/group. We have mumble you can join which makes it easier to group up with others :)

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