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Bug avoidance when vehicle fixing.

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Me and I'm sure plenty of other have suffered some bugs relating to vehicles not repairing, eating parts, still leaking etc. so seeing as I'm fairly new to the game I thought I'd do a little guide for new players so they don't put that effort into vehicle repairing only for a bug to make it pointless.

This mainly applied to public hive servers from my experience, which makes it more annoying as vehicles are much scarce than on most private hives.

1. Designated Repairer

Whilst it might seem quicker to have several players repair the vehicle, don't, leave it to one guy. In fact don't let anyone get into or touch the vehicle until it's fully repaired. Other can lay needed parts on the ground or into your back pack.

2. Get in get out

Simply that, get in as the driver and get out again as the designated repairer before you start repairing..

3. Damage

Nothing dramatic, don't go shooting AS50 rounds into the engine or the like, a quick tap with an axe to a non-sensitive part will suffice. (car will 'bleed') For example I recently repaired an Mi-17 and beforehand gave it a tap on the wheel with the axe. Both this and the getting in are to 'sync' the vehicle into the server.

4. Repair in turn

Repair ALL parts that are red, responding to each section in turn (more for ease of remembering) In some cases it's taken the until the vehicle is fully repaired for parts to show that they have been repaired. Don't load 4 scrap metals onto that one hull section, you'll just waste those parts.

5. Broken Glass = Leaks

This applies mainly in choppers (which are a pain to refuel in vanilla Day Z) but broken glass of any type (orange or below I think) causes the vehicle to leak fuel. If you've spent 20 minutes shuttling back and forth with 4 jerry cans, you'll be annoyed to find half of it already gone so fix that glass!

DayZ wiki will tell you what parts you need to repair a vehicle - http://dayz.gamepedi.../Vehicle_Repair

For example the Mi-17 will need (like all choppers I think) 1 Engine part (6 inventory slots), 1 Main Rotor (6 slots) , 4 Scrap Metal (3 slots per SM) and 8 Windscreen Glass (2 slots per WG) to fully repair from everything red. The vehicle itself will also tell you what it needs for each section if you attempt to repair it with no part.

You will of course also need a toolbox and enough fuel in jerry cans to move it somewhere. (Chopper will need a good 6+ cans to get it to the closest fuel point)

Hope that helps, if you follow that you should avoid vehicle repair bugs as I've now followed that process several times and it's worked.

(BTW If you encounter the bug where you 'get out' of the chopper but you are still inside the chopper's body/hull DON'T MOVE, you will break legs and probably die. Just go to prone immediately and roll out)

Edited by tajjuk
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Hey Tajjuk,

Thanks so much for writing this up. A lot of it falls under the "oh I didn't think of that" category--and I'm sure will be pretty useful. I'll be recommending this post to people for sure, I have a lot of players ask me these questions.


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Cheers, I've only been playing Day Z about a month or so now and mainly stick to the public hives where vehicles are much rarer so they have tended to be the focus of my play. Spending ages getting loot, particularly for choppers only for a bug to stop it working is really annoying so wanted it to stop happening to others.

If you manage to find a chopper, collect all the loot for it and avoid being killed by other players the least you deserve is the chance to fly that bad boy.

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(Chopper will need a good 6+ cans to get it to the closest fuel point)

You can travel almost anywhere on 2 jerry cans if the chopper is fully fixed, remember that when you take off don't waste time gaining altitude just get going. As long as it's not a hotspot area such as Cherno, go to your nearest fuel spot and stick a couple more cans in. Now you're ready to pick a remote quiet fueling spot (such as the far far north west barn ;) ) .

A few tips for you:

- Zombies cannot attack you when you are stood at the sides of the helicopters. They will attack and break the glass when you enter though, so when you're wanting to take off, kill all zombies, enter as pilot, start the engine and press eject. This will allow the rotor to wind up and when it's ready hop in for a speedy get away.

- Using the above, if you park your chopper with the blades just over the top of the fuel tank, you can position yourself at a point close enough to spin fuel. This is where you don't move (no use of W, A, S, D) and simply scroll "fill jerrycan", swivel, scroll "fuel chopper". Using this method you can ignore animation timings and fill up a chopper in ~5-10 mins on your own. You also can't get attacked by Z's.

Hope this helps.

Edited by ohgreen

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Good guide, but i would say i've never had to resort to damaging the vehicle to get it sync'd to the player, getting in and out has always worked for me.

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i cant get into vehicles with other players.. any ideas?

the menu comes up, but i cant get in

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i cant get into vehicles with other players.. any ideas?

the menu comes up, but i cant get in

I've seen this before when players have a non standard skin such as the soldier clothing, could be something like that.

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