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Can I get a donators loadout that has no special weapons just 2 sandbags

I want to make stashes

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could you stop spamming the texts? sick of seeing people say up or bump. there rules you know


Sorry you're not a fan of bumping a thread, but it's just a simple promo to help make new players aware of our server! We can't keep hosting a server without player support. So Bumping / Promo is a must... hope you understand.  Thanks for stopping by our thread. = ) 

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They host a very good server that has real ACTIVE admins that usualy fix things strait away. Let him bump.

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Anyone Playing on Planet-Dead: DayZ Server having any issues with Random Grey Screen that Appears when your Shooting? and Only way to stop it, is to exit the Game completely, or a Force Quit?  Please let me know. Thanks!

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Regarding DayZ Stand Alone: I noticed a thread today from someone who mentioned DayZ Stand Alone Killed their Server. I'm wondering if we should expand and Host a DayZ Stand Alone, But we'll need your support to do so. As running a FREE Server is kinda impossible, so I look forward to receiving some feedback about this, and see if you guys are willing to support with Donations to Get us a DayZ Stand Alone Server. Please share your thoughts here.  Thanks!

Edited by Planet-Dead

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Server Migration was Complete Successfully! Please be sure to Join New Server IP: Port: 3340


Also a Cool New Feature, you can now all view the Latest Top Player Stats at GameTracker.com



Hope you Enjoy Planet-Dead! and Continue to Support Us! Check out our Donation Loadouts @ www.planet-dead.com/donate


Thank You! -  Kuro (new friendly server admin)

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Latest Update! if you noticed the website was down, this was due to Website Host Migration! but it's back online now! = )  

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Latest Updates! 


- Someone mentioned something about Leaderboard and Stats, so I decided to Keep both Orginal Leaderboard and Game Tracker Stats on the Website in Navigation so hopefully everyone will be happy with that.  


- We updated the Forum with a really cool custom Theme that looks alot like this DayZ forum, and also we updated Facebook page with new cover logo and profile, not a big deal but still it's cool lol! Like us on Facebook! and Join Planet-Dead! = )   


- Please note, if you guys like Playing on Planet-Dead especially for all New Players, please be sure to check out our Donation Loadouts here: http://planet-dead.com/donate/, or if you don't have cash to support it's cool, maybe you can help support by giving some positive feedback here! always nice!  Thanks all and Enjoy! 

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OK, so I recieved some complaints about Grey Screens and having to Shutdown the Game and Restart.... I just experienced this myself... I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the Anti-Hack Filters as that's the only thing i found online regarding grey screens being result of Anti-Hack Program or Mods on peoples ARMA 2 Directory. But I don't have any Mods, so it's odd... Please let me know if you have this issue and how often i happens. Thanks!

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Latest Update! OK so I did some testing on our old server, and it seems the Grey Screen issue has something to do with our Mission or Server PBO, as I used the Default DayZ Mod PBO's and everything worked fine, no Grey Screens. So I will be going through a series of tests trying to nail what feature, or line of code is causing the issue of Grey Screen. I will keep you all posted on my findings... 

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Are u doing updates or did the server break on restart


No I did not do any Updates. It seems it was an Outage at our Host Provider DayZ.ST, no changes have been made. Please report any server outage issues immediatly to admin@planet-dead.com this way I can address it as soon as possible, as I review emails before Forums.

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Latest Updates! Server Update 12.29.13

  • Automated Vehicle Cleanup to Weekly (Friday 12AM EST)
  • Resolved Grey Screen Issue Caused by Rapid Fire
  • Kicks or Bans will be Issued to address No Voice on Side Chat Rule
  • Increase Server Ping Limit to 500
  • Removed Battle Ships from the Water
Edited by Planet-Dead

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Happy New Years to all the DayZ Community!  and all of Planet-Dead DayZ Server Community! Thanks for all of your Support and for making Planet-Dead one of the Best DayZ Mod Servers! Thanks again, and Have a Good One! Lets Keep Growing into the New Year!  :D   :beans:

Edited by Planet-Dead

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OK guys so I think we are NOT alone with the issue of Hacking on DayZ Mod Servers... We have BattleEye and I'm pretty sure we have the Latest Filters, but still Hackers get through, and finding them in-game is a real pain in the ass... 

the best solution would be to have an awesome Anti-Hack that prevent at least 99% of hacks.  

I'm reaching out to ask you guys what do you think is the Best Anti-Hack Solution out there for DayZ ?  Please keep in mind we Host the Server on DayZ.ST so, anything you suggest will need to be compatible with this DayZ Host Provider.  

I'm open to ideas... please share on this Thread here: http://planet-dead.com/forum/index.php?topic=425.0  



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Latest Update! We are working on and with some New Anti-Hack tools! and soon a New Server-Side Anti-Hack so if anyone is Kicked or Banned by mistake please report on the Forums. Thanks! 

Edited by Planet-Dead

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Latest Update! 

  • Upgraded Server Side Anti-Hack, and RCon Tools
  • Restored Debug Monitor, use - End - Key to Toggle
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So I think it's Safe to say our Recent Server Anti-Hack Upgrade was a Success! We've been free of Hackers for 2 Days now this Weekend! So that's pretty awesome! as we were getting owned last week by Hackers! but I think now we can finally Enjoy some good ol DayZ without the BS... So spread the Word with your friends! Join us on Planet-Dead!!  


(note: it's impossible to block 100% of all attacks at all times as Hackers are alwasy coming up with something new, but no worries we will always stay on top of it, and strive to achieve 100% Hack Free Gameplay always on Planet-Dead!)

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