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Latest Update! 1.10.14 @ 4AM EST


Planet-Dead Ranks in at #1 under DayZ Only + Daylight Server on DayZ Commander


Planet-Dead Ranked in at #2 under DayZ Only + Anytime Server on DayZ Commander 




Edited by Planet-Dead

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Latest Update! 


Updated Our BattlEye Ban List to Include up to 1,300 KNOWN GLOBALLY BANNED HACKERS from a DayZ Community BAN LIST! 


Just another step in the right direction to battle the stupid hackers who try to ruin DayZ for us all...


Enjoy a much Safer Hack Free DayZ Experience right here on Planet-Dead DayZ Server! Join Us! 

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Latest Update! 


- Resolved Script Error with Restriction #4 and Battleye Kick Issue (due to recent Anti-Hack Update)

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Servers seem to be Full Again! 47 People Online 9:30PM EST! Whoaoo! Lets keep it going guys! 


Please be sure to visit the Offical Planet-Dead Forum and share your ideas of how we can make this a better server for you all,

post ideas and gather votes. Anything that is voted alot by alot of players will be considered and testes on our Test Server before 

adding to Live Server.  Thanks All! Welcome Back... 

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Hope all is well everyone, just giving a quick shout and status update... Sever has been abit light this week, we had a good weekend with packed server, lots of players. But lets try to keep the player count up at Planet-Dead! You can help by Visiting the Plant-Dead.com/forum and letting us know what kind of features or server updates you'd like to see that will help keep up as a top ranking fun DayZ Server! So please do sure your thoughts, admins are friendly and open to ideas. Thanks all have a good rest of the Week. 

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Latest Update!

  • New Admins Onboard to Help Protect Server
  • Added New Map Features Check Forum for Updates
Edited by Planet-Dead

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Latest Update!


Planet-Dead is Now Offering FREE Loadouts every Weekend for all Players.


Every Weekend we will rotate one of the 8 Donation Loadouts we have Listed here:



If you have Not yet Donated, then your Default Loadout will be one of the 8 Loadouts every Weekend.

(Note: you must die and respawn to receive loadout)


All Players who have Donated to Support Planet-Dead will Not Get a Loadout Change, this ONLY applies to Non-Donor Players, as those who Donate Receive a Permanent Loadout of their Choice.


We are offering this as a New Feature to Planet-Dead Server, and would like to encourage all Players to Spread the Word about Planet-Dead and help make us one of the Best DayZ Servers! Also we encourage you to eventually Donate and Support Planet-Dead to help us Pay for Server Cost, and other Admin Cost.


We appreciate your Support and will continue to do our best to Provide you with the Best DayZ Experience on Planet-Dead!


Thank you,

Kuro [Admin] of Planet-Dead

Edited by Planet-Dead

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Latest Update!


We will be Updating Planet-Dead's Anti-Hack and BattlEye Filters Tonight to Latest Versions. This will definitely help prevent a lot of the recent hacking. We always doing our best to keep Planet-Dead up to date with Latest Security Features, and keeping DayZ as Fun as Possible!


So please do come check us out on Planet-Dead and Get your FREE Weekend Loadout before Monday.  

Edited by Planet-Dead

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Latest Update!


Recent Anti-Hack Update and Battleye Filter Update was alittle bumpy, running into a few kicking issues but they have all been resolved now! So come on back and check out Planet-Dead! New Features, and Latest Security Updates will keep on coming.  

Edited by Planet-Dead

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Latest Update!


this weekend on Planet-Dead we are offering *Free Loadout "G36A (Camo)" for all non donator players.


Check out http://planet-dead.com/donate/ for more details on this Loadout.


If you enjoy the Loadout please consider Donating and Supporting Planet-Dead for a Permanent Loadout! Thank you! 

Edited by Planet-Dead

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Latest Update!


Planet-Dead is planing some new Features to add to the Server! We will soon work on adding Night time to the Server, but only want to begin with having short Nights then possibly extending if alot of players enjoy the Night Time, next we have AI Missions we would like to add.  So if you have not yet played on Planet-Dead Server, this is a great time to join us! Free Loadouts every Weekend, and some More Features coming up! so stay tuned, and join us! = ) 

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OK Guys, Free Donation Loadout starts on Friday AM as I believe Friday is part of the Weekend lol! I'm starting it a little early at 11PM tonight with the L85A2 Loadout so Enjoy!

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Hi all, just wanted to give you all a quick update! We have AI Missions coming very soon to Planet-Dead!! 


So Look out for AI Mission Update!  = ) 

Edited by Planet-Dead

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Planet-Dead was Ranked #4 Tonight, Saturday 23, 2014 on DayZ Commander! = )  


Check us out! Free Loadouts every Weekend!! 



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Update! This Weekend like Every Weekend is FREE LOADOUTS GIVEAWAY!! 


for this weekend, we have DMR Loadouts! Enjoy this one! 

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Update! Slowly Planet-Dead is creeping it's way back to the top Ranks of GameTracker! We appreciate your on going support for Planet-Dead Server, and hope to continue providing you all with an Awesome DayZ Server to Play on! Lets Keep Growing! = ) 


P.S. if we outgrow this server, we plan to add-on to it with an EPOCH Server Possibly... we'll keep you posted on the Latest, and Please Join the Forums on Planet-Dead.com to Share your Thoughts, and Suggestions. Thanks! 

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Update! This Weekend like Every Weekend is FREE LOADOUTS GIVEAWAY!!  


for this weekend, we have G36A Loadouts! Enjoy! 

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This weekends is MK48 Mod Free Loadout! Enjoy!

Edited by Planet-Dead

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