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Having issues with Namalask

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Well I downloaded it through dayz commander and ran the regular game once and when I tried to open a server through the beta patch it says

You cannot play or edit this mission because of content that has been deleted.namalask ns-dayz ns-mods HELP!!!!!

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try launching just namalsk by itself do not play chernarus first.

also looking at your install/update on commander does it show it downloaded?

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Clicking "ok" doesn't continue with loading the map/entering the server-world? That always works for me.

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Yes it shows it downloaded

And when I get into the server it kicks me straight out

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lol, follow these instructions to the T!

open steam, select all arma 2 games u have, right click them, go to properties, then go to the local file tab, select verify game/system cache. Once you have done that. Right click arma and select play. wait till you get to the main menu, then log out, do the same to arma 2 Operation Arrowhead, then again to the DLCS if you have them. so the order it goes in is : arma/arma2OA/Arma-Private Military Company/ ArmaBritish Armed Forces. once you have verify them all then played them all to the main menu... try again

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