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Here is a zombie humanity rewarder if anyone wants it!

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I will post the script code below but all you have to do is paste into sqf file but might need a little change to your needs. This file is not 100% for sure to work but to help others get ideas.

[] spawn {
while {true} do {

//Sporks Zombie rewarder

_pos = getPos player;
_zombies = _pos nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",Zom];
_countZ = count _zombies;
_humanity = player getVariable["humanity",0];
humanityamountadded = 10; //the amount of humanity they gain.

for "_i" from 0 to (_countZ -1) do
_zombie = _zombies select _i;
if (!alive _zombie) then
player setvariable["humanity",_humanity+humanityamountadded,true];
//End of Sporks Zombie Rewarder


Edited by Countsporkulus
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If it works that's a pretty sweet idea man, I like the idea of keeping the humanity amount low. Would it work making a variable for the 'super' zeds? double the humanity or something

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