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EUK is now recruiting! 13+ (ORIGINS)

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Looking for a Dayz Clan?


you found the right place!

EUK is a new clan which is now recruiting

We use teamspeak and if you want to join us you must be aged 13 or over!

We will accept noobs and experienced player

We are mostly heroes but will shoot if someone is a threat to us!


Mature Players only!



where you are from:


are you an experienced player:

Have you got a good mic:

Do you have teamspeak:

Why do you want to join EUK:

In game name:



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where you are from: Manchester

age: 14

are you an experienced player: no

Have you got a good mic: yes i have a turtlebeach

Do you have teamspeak: no but i can download it

Why do you want to join EUK: yes

In game name: mrgeorge547

skype: MrGeorge547

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where you are from: N. Ireland

age: 14

are you an experienced player: Been playin a while, Have run 3 servers and good at scripting :) (New to these forums)

Have you got a good mic: Turtle beach x12's

Do you have teamspeak: Yep

Why do you want to join EUK: Because im lookin to team up with mature people and build my first base.

In game name: PvtBrixn

skype: umCure (makin a new one to go with dayz name

Steam: PvtBrixn

Hope i get in ;)

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where you are from: West Yorkshire

age: 13

are you an experienced player: On Dayz vanilla yes but on origins not so much :)

Have you got a good mic: Yes

Do you have teamspeak: Yes

Why do you want to join EUK: Looking for a cool group to play with as I find dayz gets boring alone

In game name: DubstepPotato

skype: coolcam1999

Hope i get in :)|_

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where you are from: USA

age: 18

are you an experienced player: Everyone is going to reply yes to this,

Have you got a good mic: Yup

Do you have teamspeak: Prefer it

Why do you want to join EUK: I would prefer playing with a group rather than playing solo

In game name:Eskimo


Edit, what is your defintion of mature? 18+? or 16+? It is not listed.

Edited by Gorski

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where you are from:usa


are you an experienced player:1 year

Have you got a good mic:yes

Do you have teamspeak:billy6262 so thats a yes

Why do you want to join EUK:for a good clan and to have fun

In game name:billy6262

skype:andrew.dorchak the only andrew dorchak on skype

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where you are from: UK

age: 14

are you an experienced player: Some what

Have you got a good mic: Yes, Steelseries

Do you have teamspeak: Yes i do

Why do you want to join EUK: Really looking for someone to play with since i only really play on my own

In game name: Callum

skype: callumckt

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