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Trading for NVG's,Range finders,M40a3,AS50 rounds, 24 slot bags, M4 SD's and more.

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Unfortunately I don't have many also :/ I could throw in a couple ghillies and some other stuff as a bonus ::)

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well ehrm you dont have a rangefinder to spare do you? ;-)

but a ghillie on top sounds good too :)

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Nah sorry :/ ok cool :)

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Hey man! It is Medakan from the server. I found a M40A3 for you :)

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Haha hey! Thats awesome what would you like for it?? I habent been on much since the server started messing up because of the new hive being released server has been swapping between new and old so yeah I can't tell which one is the right hive :/

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Yeah, was crazy! I logged back in and was in a different spot. My Ural was in a different spot also. Im not too concerned about what I get for it, I'm not going to use it so it is pretty much yours... that is if it is still in my tent when we both get online at same time :P

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Haha it should be but atm my characters are rolling back occasionally 2 days ago :/ so I'm sorta all messed up haha tents aswell so im not sure how to deal with It all >.<

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