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x423x rio bravo

Need one or two players!!!

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Hey guys I'm looking for one or two people to make a group. New or old players are welcome. I'm just adding this I am not a bandit I do not kill unarmed players so I'm not for that. If you would like to join just leave me something to contact you with. Aslo no one under the age of 16. Thats all thank you for taking the time and reading this.

Edited by riobravo360

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Hey guys I'm looking for one or two people to make a group. New or old players are welcome. I'm just adding this I am not a bandit I do not kill unarmed players so I'm not for that. If you would like to join just leave me something to contact you with. Aslo no one under the age of 16. Thats all thank you for taking the time and reading this.

OGsmokin420 is my steam name i would like to join you and play right now would be nice

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Hey guys we have about 2 players looking for a group on our server they usually play during the afternoon until the morning, if you all are interested in having a server to play on and join up with some fresh faces then add me on steam: AVendettaForYou I'd be glad to hook you all up with the players.

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Ok to all you guys i will add you and all that later today and play later today through out the day.

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my skype is aaron.aaron.2000

Aron i cant add you for some reason you may have to add me my name is daniel2007c

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Mogzicles on steam if you want another player.

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I saw "no one under 16". The first thing I thought was, "Damn, one more year! One more year and people will respect me! Meh, like he'd want to have oral sex with my pet goat anyways...."

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I saw "no one under 16". The first thing I thought was, "Damn, one more year! One more year and people will respect me! Meh, like he'd want to have oral sex with my pet goat anyways...."

ok for that you have my respect i would play with you, lol.

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