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Loot farming is not something you can be banned for. You put yourself in constant jeopardy by staying close to major loot point.

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Last night me and 1-3 friends raided one of their camps (7th ops). Got about 6 L85s, 5 FN FAL, Many variations of M4's including the HOLO SD, AS50's, 10+ NVG/GPS, 15+ ghillie suits, etc etc. As my team was loading up a vehicle I watched as a couple of them met up and observed the damage before restarting their server (they didn't get anything back). When it came back up I waited until they left, stole their vehicles, shot out all the tires, ran over their tents with a URAL and got kicked.

Now they have a new server message about stealing loot not being in the spirit of the game and how it won't be tolerated. If I'm allowed back in again I'll be sure to fraps it should I find their new camp.

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As a quasi-member of Dallas 22, there has been a rash of people using tent and vehicle locating scripts which our server admins found out about. I dont know much about how the scripts are being used nor do I know much about their detection..... but our admins are quickly getting on the ball about banning people for using them.

As for how the server operates its fairly simple. Server hoppers (spawning in for loot then spawning out), disconnects during firefights and hackers are dealt with swiftly.

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I do not see anyone in that screenshot being banned, only a message displayed that says they don't tolerate it. You could take that to mean virtually anything. It also doesn't say anything about stealing loot, only farming it. As for "raiding their camp" which their is no way to prove is theirs, I find it funny there are no screen shots or videos of that, and I have yet to see a thread with actual proof that something like this is happening. I am not saying it isn't, I just find it funny that there is never a shred of proof aside from multiple people posting in the thread that they were there and saw it.

I have been accused of this on my own server, and I don't have a camp, so that kind of puts things into perspective for me. I suspect that the truth lay somewhere between the two but probably more on the people being but hurt about server restarts side.

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The best part was when they moved to a new location after the initial raid (which at the time they just assumed it was a legit raid) that is when things got weird as within hours of their new camp set-up, it had been found, and ripped them to shreds. Fishy, hell yeah it is.

BTW, the server restart wasnt them. Just the server doing its scheduled restart. If it was them, and they were being malicious, why would they wait til after those guys stole everything? Also, that server message has been on their for weeks, and it clearly doesnt say anything about stealing loot, it says loot farming. Big difference. Ever wonder why places like the firehouse are completely blocked off by barbed wire with no way in or out? That's a loot farmer inside it server hopping to the firehouse in dozens of server, and is an exploit and IMO should be very bannable.

Their is a huge infux of cheating and hacking in Day z atm. Teleporters, aimbots, wallhacks, ammo crate spawning, scripts to detect where all vehicles are on the map ect ect. It's really getting out of hand, and Battleeye is severely limiting what an admin can do about it. Ive never heard of a game that doesnt log who killed someone.

Arma 3 needs Punkbuster. At least with it admins have some tools at their disposal (pb screenshots, pbbans, cvar/md5 checks) that they can utilize to help detect cheaters. Right now Battleeye just doesnt cut it.

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As a quasi-member of Dallas 22' date=' there has been a rash of people using tent and vehicle locating scripts which our server admins found out about. I dont know much about how the scripts are being used nor do I know much about their detection..... but our admins are quickly getting on the ball about banning people for using them.

As for how the server operates its fairly simple. Server hoppers (spawning in for loot then spawning out), disconnects during firefights and hackers are dealt with swiftly.


Sounds fishy as hell to me. I'll steer clear of your server. You could easily say ANYONE that raided your camp is using "tent locating scripts" and ban them unjustly. No thank you. And loot farming should not be a bannable offense.

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As a quasi-member of Dallas 22' date=' there has been a rash of people using tent and vehicle locating scripts which our server admins found out about. I dont know much about how the scripts are being used nor do I know much about their detection..... but our admins are quickly getting on the ball about banning people for using them.

As for how the server operates its fairly simple. Server hoppers (spawning in for loot then spawning out), disconnects during firefights and hackers are dealt with swiftly.


Sounds fishy as hell to me. I'll steer clear of your server. You could easily say ANYONE that raided your camp is using "tent locating scripts" and ban them unjustly. No thank you. And loot farming should not be a bannable offense.

Its not "anyone" who is finding tents, its a not impossible to find tents or vehicles in the game.

In fact, for weeks we figured it was people using legit game mechanics... up until the admins started seeing unusual scripts that we found out were vehicle and tent location scripts....

Now we are tracking the ones we know of, so hopefully it will severely diminish such script usage.

Feel free to try out Dallas 22.... There is a reason its one of the more populated ones out there and that is because its well run and constantly admin'd.

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Hey GrimmDraco,

Thanks for making this post. I admit, it does read a bit silly however, the intentions are good, I promise. We of course do not and have never banned for loot farming and by loot farming what we really mean is, server hopping by logging into a prime location. We get this all the time and unfortunately, it's a flaw with the current game system and like all other servers, we will have to look the other way until there is a valid fix.

I removed the message from the message rotation.

Thank you for playing on our server and if you ever have any issues or just want to shoot the shit, feel free to join our teamspeak @ ts6.gameservers.com:9139

We hope to loot you... I mean see you again soon!



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Its not "anyone" who is finding tents' date=' its a not impossible to find tents or vehicles in the game.

In fact, for weeks we figured it was people using legit game mechanics... up until the admins started seeing unusual scripts that we found out were vehicle and tent location scripts....

Now we are tracking the ones we know of, so hopefully it will severely diminish such script usage.

Feel free to try out Dallas 22.... There is a reason its one of the more populated ones out there and that is because its well run and constantly admin'd.


I'm curious how you identify those. I have reason to believe someone used them on my server, and just reading through every line in scripts.log takes a long, long time.

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Look, I can vouch for Dallas 22 not just banning for raiding their camps. A couple friends of mine raided one of their camps the other day which they found legitimately searching the north. My friends do not use scripts, and took a bunch of gear, NVG's, AS50's, etc. They even killed a few of the 7th Ops members. Not once did the server restart, nor were my friends banned. These guys are legit, so don't start with the accusations. This is coming from a neutral third party.

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I installed a new CPU to add additional slots and an SSD drive that is currently not available yet. The server may go down a bit on Monday to install the final hardware but the server will be up shortly.

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I installed a new CPU to add additional slots and an SSD drive that is currently not available yet. The server may go down a bit on Monday to install the final hardware but the server will be up shortly.

Awesome! So just to reiterate, it will be going up tonight? Been waiting an hour :D Love your server.

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Last night me and 1-3 friends raided one of their camps (7th ops). Got about 6 L85s' date=' 5 FN FAL, Many variations of M4's including the HOLO SD, AS50's, 10+ NVG/GPS, 15+ ghillie suits, etc etc. As my team was loading up a vehicle I watched as a couple of them met up and observed the damage before restarting their server (they didn't get anything back). When it came back up I waited until they left, stole their vehicles, shot out all the tires, ran over their tents with a URAL and got kicked.

Now they have a new server message about stealing loot not being in the spirit of the game and how it won't be tolerated. If I'm allowed back in again I'll be sure to fraps it should I find their new camp.


Hi Racc,

Great job on finding our base. We have not added any new messages about stealing loot. In fact, we encourage all playstyles including pvp. You are allowed on our servers as we have not banned you and I don't recall ever kicking you for any reason. The only reason we bring down the server is for updates or to reset due to users complaining of FPS lag. I always try and make a point to give at least a 5 minute warning to all players using the global channel.

Please feel free to fraps our camp as we take pride in building and storing our best loot. You may not see another base from us for a while. This is because there are players out there with hacks to locate tents, vehicles and players so at this time we will most likely be living out of our backpacks/mobile without worrying about vehicles until there is some closure on stopping these hacks. We have had our bases raided within hours of setting it up on multiple locations. I hope to see you and your friends around.



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Edited by Burlap9

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Also' date=' note to Castle.

Notepad++ and Ctrl+F work fine if you know what you are looking for.


Yes, they do, the problem is finding out what you want to look for takes a long time. First you have to read through all the normal stuff, find something that might be out of place, then reference it against the rest of the log to see if it really is something bad.

Someone who was more familiar might have less problems, but our scripts.log is getting 100 megs a day so going through it is incredibly tedious for someone who doesn't know what to look for.

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This guy mentions something about a parser that makes script hacking recognition alot easier.


He didnt say the name, or links or anything, but thought it sounded helpful, so maybe a pm to him or something. I like the idea that you just filter out all the legit commands and everything that remains is an indicator of script cheating.

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Changing the server to 100 players is a huge mistake. The game is not only going to lag terribly for everyone, the server will be a gigantic hacker magnet if it ever reaches even close to its full capacity. People using the nuke hack look for largely populated servers. Really disappointed if this change is permanent, this server was by far one of the best when capacity was only 50.

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I've played on Dallas 22 and with/against the 7 ops guys. They always seemed legit and trustworthy to me.

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