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Chronx (DayZ)

Silent-Asaliant's | 300+ vehicles | custom loot | custom vehicles | Auto-refuel | PVP!

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Silent Assaliant - Private Hive | 300+ vehicles | starting gear | custom map |

Connection info

Teamspeak: silent-asaliant.com

Website: WIP

Welcome to Silent-Assailant's Private hive. We here at Silent Assailant's want to bring you a simple and fun experience to DayZ! The server is constantly being monitored by our administration staff and it's protected by a whitelist. We want to give the community a non hacker environment. We do have Day/Night so if your one of those people that like to blast someones head off silently without being seen this is the place for you. If you ever have a question/suggestion or problem we always encourage you to come ask the admins in Teamspeak as we will not shun away our players when there is an issue. Down below you will find out how to get whitelisted and begin playing!


1. You will not hack or use exploits.

2.You will need to have a ping to the server under 300ms.

3.The admins will NEVER tell you where anything is on the map. DONT ASK.

4.You will not Argue with admins (Their decisions are final).

5.On the servers you will not combat log or exploit any in-game bugs or glitches.

That is just some basic rules we ask you to abide by.


Every monday we will be hosting weekly events for players! This may include "Hide N' Seek" or an admin convoy with plenty of loot for you to take! What ever it may be there will be plenty of prizes/loot.

Work in Progress


Snow (possibly)


Self bloodbag

Siphon gas

What's added?

Auto Refuel

Custom bases and buildings

Starting loadout

Well over 200+ vehicles.

Street and house lights

Debug monitor

Edited by Chronx

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Just played in the event. buddy of mine won, The prize wasnt bullshit, just sayin

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Bump, Auto Refuel is now in the server and we hope to add even more!

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