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Where are all the weapons?

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Ok so I downloaded DayZ this morning and got it working at about lunch time and have been playing it since (servers permitting) and one thing I've noticed in the time I've been playing is that weapons seem impossible to find I think in an afternoon of playing I've found one hand gun (makarov) in all the buildings I've looted. And seen as though you don't start with a weapon going into cities to loot is practically suicide as there is no way to defend yourself. Has it always been this difficult are there other ways to find weapons?

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Well in the latest patch they did some loot balancing maybe that will help.

also, i have not find it hard to find weapons, ran across 3 AKM's on my last run, they didn't have ammo though.

Try looting barns and deer stands, maybe they have a higher chance for you.

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I have more than one post here bitching about the lack of weapons. I spent two entire days of playing without finding ANYTHING but empty tin cans.

ever since the last patch however loot has finally started to appear. If you are in an area you think should have loot try DC'ing and RC'ing to see if it spawns (hopefully some king shit admin won't ban you for interrupting his attempt to hunt you).

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Its really hard...i played it the first time now, and died 3 zimes in 15. Minutes.

The damn zombies notice me when i even spawn, is there no way to hide?!

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Its really hard...i played it the first time now' date=' and died 3 zimes in 15. Minutes.

The damn zombies notice me when i even spawn, is there no way to hide?!



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Where are all the weapons? I found three pistols in a store (two maps also), two rifles in a barn and at least a pistol in an office building in the 20 odd minutes I played.

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They do spawn but are uncommon. Some buildings are just better for loot than others, play a bit and youll get to recognize them. My first play (yesterday) all i could find were tin cans for the most part and it gets a bit frustrating i admit, youll learn though.

Citys seem to have better loot in general but that brings more players and subsequently more danger. Dont dismiss the makarov - this difference between having one and being unarmed is light and day.

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Ok so I downloaded DayZ this morning and got it working at about lunch time and have been playing it since (servers permitting) and one thing I've noticed in the time I've been playing is that weapons seem impossible to find I think in an afternoon of playing I've found one hand gun (makarov) in all the buildings I've looted. And seen as though you don't start with a weapon going into cities to loot is practically suicide as there is no way to defend yourself. Has it always been this difficult are there other ways to find weapons?

THere are lots of guns to be had once you know where to look. Usually inside 10 minutes I have more guns than I can carry.

You just need experience playing the game to know where to look, e.g. which buildings to look out for and what locations to go to. Trust me, within a week you'll be back here complaining that there are too many weapons everywhere ;-)

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I have more than one post here bitching about the lack of weapons. I spent two entire days of playing without finding ANYTHING but empty tin cans.

ever since the last patch however loot has finally started to appear. If you are in an area you think should have loot try DC'ing and RC'ing to see if it spawns (hopefully some king shit admin won't ban you for interrupting his attempt to hunt you).

loot dont spawn within a radius around you when you log in

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