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It was actually my error Jared. You spawned as a "seagull" so i copy and pasted your GUID in a search function. I then found said hacker and pasted your GUID in my bans.txt rather than the actual hacker. If you can give me your GUID I'll unban you immediately...and I apologize profusely.

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It was actually my error Jared. You spawned as a "seagull" so i copy and pasted your GUID in a search function. I then found said hacker and pasted your GUID in my bans.txt rather than the actual hacker. If you can give me your GUID I'll unban you immediately...and I apologize profusely.

I'm sorry for the response time, didn't know you replied. Anyway, my GUID is 75604166. I think it is, at least. Thank you for the response, and thank you for the apology.

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07.06.2013 07:00:54: [LevelZeroHeroes]-ReFLeX () bf85a4460f1f75024329bdd254419e59 - #9 "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag" 0:0

07.06.2013 07:00:54: [LevelZeroHeroes]-ReFLeX () bf85a4460f1f75024329bdd254419e59 - #9 "30Rnd_556x45_G36SD" 0:0

07.06.2013 07:30:03: Dayton () ff23a04eea57c63e8b990a15f41dd1ca - #0 1.000000 25:362 z_soldier_heavy

Edited by Tr1x

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08.06.2013 17:05:54: Rollinaway () bf79fa438fbe29ed7061cf10ef929935 - #0 55:76 USMC_Soldier_Medic 1084598399 [1595,2081,5]

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10.06.2013 12:51:33: Bubble Gum () edad71a4af4c0c5a9041827351383daf - #38 " if (isDedicated) then { _this = [nil,nil,"per",usecEpl]; if (true) then RE;


10.06.2013 12:51:33: Bubble Gum () edad71a4af4c0c5a9041827351383daf - Script Restriction #138 " if (isDedicated) then { _this = [nil,nil,"per",usecEpl]; if (true) then RE;

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18.06.2013 12:09:27: Space () e5442a7be0dbd9d69ed3a104fe639e15 - #3 "20Rnd_762x51_SB_SCAR" 0:0

18.06.2013 12:16:52: Space () e5442a7be0dbd9d69ed3a104fe639e15 - #6 "ItemRadio" 0:0

18.06.2013 12:16:52: Space () e5442a7be0dbd9d69ed3a104fe639e15 - #51 "ItemRadio" 0:0

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in createvehicle

18.06.2013 17:04:32: killak () 953a3914b52c3774ee84abcb7588db89 - #0 "BattleFieldClearance" 111:46 [8971,2787,160]

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10.06.2013 08:25:07: Austin ( ) bd66832fe754ffe219aa5a95895d1b64 - Script Restriction #138 " if (isDedicated) then { _this = [nil,nil,"per",usecEpl]; if (true) then RE;


10.06.2013 08:25:16: Austin ( ) bd66832fe754ffe219aa5a95895d1b64 - #0 ""

10.06.2013 08:25:17: Austin ( ) bd66832fe754ffe219aa5a95895d1b64 - #0 " if (isDedicated) then { _this = [nil,nil,"per",usecEpl]; if (true) then RE;


10.06.2013 08:25:17: Austin ( ) bd66832fe754ffe219aa5a95895d1b64 - #38 " if (isDedicated) then { _this = [nil,nil,"per",usecEpl]; if (true) then RE;


10.06.2013 08:25:17: Austin ( ) bd66832fe754ffe219aa5a95895d1b64 - Script Restriction #138 " if (isDedicated) then { _this = [nil,nil,"per",usecEpl]; if (true) then RE;

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18.06.2013 14:01:19: JHOVANIPARTY () 7e56ce9f8a036ef947197206ed60fc1f - #4 "6Rnd_HE_M203" 0:0

18.06.2013 14:01:20: JHOVANIPARTY () 7e56ce9f8a036ef947197206ed60fc1f - #4 "6Rnd_HE_M203" 0:0

18.06.2013 12:24:58: Jerome Williams () d37e084626377c37834d6fbfbadb0578 - #0 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

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create vehicle restriction, believed to be a mass teleport

19.06.2013 11:38:33: CMX () beba5d699960245596f637697d6311f1 - #0 "BattleFieldClearance" 113:5 [-18638,25814,376]

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PinkPucker () c2573cbb72a257d4c8efb75712ed5b3e - #0 ""

20.06.2013 15:13:46: PinkPucker () c2573cbb72a257d4c8efb75712ed5b3e - #0 " if (isDedicated) then { _this = [nil,nil,"per",SRVFACO4567]; if (true) then RE;


20.06.2013 15:13:46: PinkPucker () c2573cbb72a257d4c8efb75712ed5b3e - #37 " if (isDedicated) then { _this = [nil,nil,"per",SRVFACO4567]; if (true) then RE;


20.06.2013 15:13:46: PinkPucker () c2573cbb72a257d4c8efb75712ed5b3e - #0 " if (isDedicated) then { _this = [nil,nil,"per",SRVFACO4567]; if (true) then RE;


20.06.2013 15:13:46: PinkPucker () c2573cbb72a257d4c8efb75712ed5b3e - #37 " if (isDedicated) then { _this = [nil,nil,"per",SRVFACO4567]; if (true) then RE;


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22.06.2013 16:01:33: sparrow ( ) 0341a8a84aff18a6a58de121d879dc7b - #0 "BattleFieldClearance" 67:11 [0,0,0] - Create Vehicle Crash

22.06.2013 20:15:18: JakelRock ( ) 6f1300c105e349e5b0e0eeb12946d071 - #0 "usecEpi" = <NULL-object>

22.06.2013 20:00:24: [iG]Mitchell ( ) 7f852313d3efa2e0a4c16aca738fc1ab - #0 "norrnRACarUp" = [{ dayzJizz = markerBrush "WHY_YOU_NO_LOVE_ME_AYNMORE"; }]

22.06.2013 19:59:21: [i-G] Xavier ( ) b43cfe96b5bced098d917f29ae50b40c - #0 "norrnRACarUp" = [{ dayzJizz = markerBrush "WHY_YOU_NO_LOVE_ME_AYNMORE"; }]

Edited by jBrick

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23.06.2013 09:41:04: Dumpster ( ) 75eba5a9c80f21ea4a8dcf36f55ee5b4 - #0 "BattleFieldClearance" 57:5 [0,0,1]

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23.06.2013 14:51:40: Pudge () 48f4c62e2ea69e46707da3f091132872 - #0 "G36_C_SD_eotech" 0:0

23.06.2013 14:51:40: Pudge () 48f4c62e2ea69e46707da3f091132872 - #47 "G36_C_SD_eotech" 0:0

Edited by {NCK} Lady_Lamp

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Just thought that you guys should know that "BattleFieldClearence" only appears in setpos.log (at least for my server, we use official BE filters) and that banning for BattleFieldClearance is not a legitimate reason to ban a player. You can catch the scripter who caused the kicks by looking for him in remoteexec.log. Try looking around the same time as the kicks for BattleFieldClearance occured. But I did notice that your log differs slightly from ours. At the end, ours show [1000,10,1] or [1000,10,0] while yours show [0,0,1]. Strange.

Edited by crazykid1297

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Just thought that you guys should know that "BattleFieldClearence" only appears in setpos.log (at least for my server, we use official BE filters) and that banning for BattleFieldClearance is not a legitimate reason to ban a player. You can catch the scripter who caused the kicks by looking for him in remoteexec.log. Try looking around the same time as the kicks for BattleFieldClearance occured. But I did notice that your log differs slightly from ours. At the end, ours show [1000,10,1] or [1000,10,0] while yours show [0,0,1]. Strange.

we ban for battlefieldclearance appearing in the createvehicle log, and to further support the legitimacy of this, when this script is used the only person left on the server is the same person who shows up in createvehicle for this script

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we ban for battlefieldclearance appearing in the createvehicle log, and to further support the legitimacy of this, when this script is used the only person left on the server is the same person who shows up in createvehicle for this script

I see, please pardon me for my ignorance. BattleFieldClearance doesn't appear in my server's createvehicle.log. Thanks!

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Yeah... when they do the whole server crash for setpos #0 it shows up in createvehicle as "battlefield clearance".

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Create Vehicle:

26.06.2013 12:35:31: IVAN HUANG () 43b122bbd994ae3273b186524be4da31 - #51 "ItemRadio" 0:0

These bottom guys are believed to be the same guy, changes his guid:

Delete Vehicle:

27.06.2013 21:08:31: Boyman3793 () fae1f18d74a18c0e8fd2db4b9300d160 - #0 32:171 Survivor2_DZ

27.06.2013 21:08:31: Boyman3793 () fae1f18d74a18c0e8fd2db4b9300d160 - #0 51:66 Bandit1_DZ

Public Variable:

27.06.2013 21:24:24: Taco Is a GAY FUCK () 204018d2d9e311664cf450c72ee11883 - #0 "usecEpi" = <NULL - team member>

Another one of his guid's: 5a56a9544fb5c9914e9e4eb6fbe79fde

Logs in with playernames: Boyman3739, PLAYER 1, Taco is a GAY FUCK; all the same guy.

Edited by Tr1x

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Set Damage Restriction

This guy was tricky to catch, also changes his GUID - IP Banned

28.06.2013 16:53:39: GenerikB () d98eddc86514edc41ca34ae7630235ba - #0 0.000000 219:13 BanditW1_DZ

28.06.2013 17:12:18: GenerikB () d98eddc86514edc41ca34ae7630235ba - #0 0.000000 2:61 UAZ_CDF

28.06.2013 17:06:24: GenerikB () d98eddc86514edc41ca34ae7630235ba - #1 1.100000 2:81 Old_bike_TK_CIV_EP1

Edited by Tr1x

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Create Vehicle Restriction:

29.06.2013 15:58:05: Kenji () c129e0f89992f90e2a2f00c540f267da - #0 "BattleFieldClearance" 125:31 [0,0,0]

Remote Execute Restriction:

Kenji () c129e0f89992f90e2a2f00c540f267da - #0 "

if (isDedicated) then {

_this = [nil,nil,"per",remExField];

if (true) then RE;

Edited by Tr1x

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Remote Execute:

30.06.2013 07:53:09: Fionna () 3a4963e3bcc652c720f8448b56642b70 - #37 " if (isDedicated) then { _this = [nil,nil,"per",remExField]; if (true) then RE;

Create Vehicle:

30.06.2013 07:53:08: Fionna () 3a4963e3bcc652c720f8448b56642b70 - #0 "BattleFieldClearance" 72:35 [0,0,0]

Add Weapon Cargo:

30.06.2013 10:21:18: [FR34K]randomness () 2441568793a1fcf0c671db979eceb38f - #0 "BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS" 0:0

30.06.2013 10:21:18: [FR34K]randomness () 2441568793a1fcf0c671db979eceb38f - #39 "BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS" 0:0

30.06.2013 10:23:35: [FR34K]randomness () 2441568793a1fcf0c671db979eceb38f - #0 "BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS" 0:0

30.06.2013 10:23:35: [FR34K]randomness () 2441568793a1fcf0c671db979eceb38f - #39 "BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS" 0:0

Edited by Tr1x

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