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04.05.2013 13:42:46: Pokell (BLANK) 1ac3e27ccafbe32e198f025a91946006 - #0 "AV8B2" 28:38 [3704,2213,6] - Jet Spawn

08.05.2013 14:15:56: Philx (BLANK) 021b1f3bb6b47761895a04b1dd00fa44 - #0 "UH1H_DZ" 27:132 [10231,2284,22] Chopper Spawning.

12.05.2013 15:52:15: [A-Gjengen] Trigga (BLANK) 1788b37ef15bad0042bdc26a3c179809 - #1 "ItemSandbag" 0:0 - Crate Spawn

14.05.2013 14:23:49: Freskie (BLANK) e774a49df26185639f1760bef3f1c534 - #24 2:62 HMMWV_DZ 42:64 Bandit1_DZ -1 [0,-2,0] - TP To Humvee

14.05.2013 17:39:07: MasterLooser (BLANK) a7d9698e7369101da13031d7b2d5f1a3 - #0 134:5 BanditW1_DZ 607391621 [-18639,25825,375]

16.05.2013 12:51:11: -=Eskimo=- (BLANK) b195075bc1f89ae19e0fdb06885fb1fe - #0 0.000000 2:177 hilux1_civil_3_open_EP1

17.05.2013 19:33:23: Saebryn (BLANK) 9d16c1ef719c5d06d49bcf2ff0856854 - #0 "PipeBomb" 0:0

16.05.2013 12:16:22: Ding Dong (BLANK) 1be11311a84a21a762534866e3e67196 - #0 "Rocket_DZ" 15:97 [1,1,0]

19.05.2013 15:41:34: [TRG]Max (BLANK) a849fd02cde212e14a02612a77089001 - #0 "Killed" 57:30 Sheep - "if (isDedicated) then;" (Same Guy)

19.05.2013 11:35:33: YoMahBro (BLANK) cfa7bdbb22c09fcdedf066412c2b7d38 - #38 "Killed" 216:28 Sheep - "if (isDedicated) then (Same Guy)

20.05.2013 13:28:31: kerreck (BLANK) f3123951b890ba746277ad98e49263ca - #0 "PipeBomb" 73:36 73:5 Camo1_DZ [6584,2407,6] [0,0,0]

18.05.2013 12:54:55: {Ghille} Sniper (BLANK) 18479b7071df69ac5847462cc3cd62f2 - #0 88:682 Bandit1_DZ 1602171719 [-18697,25815,379]

16.05.2013 13:16:46: Bentz (BLANK) 7044106acba782ff91a35673f2b6f0dc - #0 39:92 Survivor1_DZ 1750344843 [-18676,25883,374]

21.05.2013 15:25:40: silent warrior (BLANK) f9097f86d140aa8c43067c8d7a867f76 - #24 24:90 Survivor2_DZ 25:15 Survivor3_DZ -1 [0,-1,0]

20.05.2013 19:40:45: BANG (BLANK) 8f1c80f12092014d726f1f19e1d87f98 - #0 54:61 Bandit1_DZ [10556,3060,624]

21.05.2013 15:19:07: alex (BLANK) 55bf6d13aef8195383bff912b7e04db3 - #0 "PipeBomb" 0:0

23.05.2013 11:21:23: Ryan (BLANK) 92450e388b621db8a1c6e17a1e59b002 - #9 "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag" 0:0

23.05.2013 11:21:25: Humza bin Laden (BLANK) 1387731aa5caecaa560ff50e5c8893b2 - #17 "M_AT13_AT" 29:20 29:5 Survivor2_DZ

23.05.2013 14:54:29: TurkeySandwich () 3609267dac5697e347295dfc9592de5a - #24 46:115 Survivor2_DZ 2:65 HMMWV_DZ -1 [0,-1,0]

24.05.2013 18:36:58: Rosner (BLANK) 9f35218e1bf3c0c286a3a03fe44eebc1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 59:15 59:5 Sniper1_DZ [10542,2976,141] [0,0,0]

24.05.2013 17:16:43: SoftCore (BLANK) 840e0c817342a4cb66b32bd4cce20f46 - #0 18:16 Bandit1_DZ [13462,6010,4]

25.05.2013 02:29:40: [s.P.C.P]SpaRrow (BLANK) 575fc6af3b4be89eeaf08b41d394bd8a - #0 21:5 Camo1_DZ 1218827843 [-18709,25923,379]

25.05.2013 18:57:05: the hitman (BLANK) 961caf321a876f2b0816bb1158929f4a - Script Restriction #138 "Killed" 63:74 Sheep - "if (isDedicated)

25.05.2013 15:55:05 HERO hunter () acb4c830bf90a1a1f5331a66239128c8 - Script Restriction #138 "Killed" 8:87 Sheep

25.05.2013 15:37:06 bladester22 () acb4c830bf90a1a1f5331a66239128c8 - Script Restriction #138 "Killed" 69:40 Sheep

25.05.2013 14:52:02 [Mcr]Survivors () 35e8d0e018f1925080822cba7f7952dd - #0 "CMflareAmmo" 46:263 2:56 [3868,2270,534] [3,-29,0]

31.05.2013 16:54:25: XOG Quickscops OGX ( ) 1e1d7577647736931cd0ed28c9e0d60a - #7 "Skin_Soldier1_DZ" 0:0

25.05.2013 18:57:05 LOLZYOURDEAD () 65d356418a0445ea6d138f5d8be54c64 - Script Restriction #138 "Killed" 41:43 Sheep

07.06.2013 07:00:54: [LevelZeroHeroes]-ReFLeX () bf85a4460f1f75024329bdd254419e59 - #9 "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag" 0:0

08.06.2013 17:05:54: Rollinaway () bf79fa438fbe29ed7061cf10ef929935 - #0 55:76 USMC_Soldier_Medic 1084598399 [1595,2081,5]

10.06.2013 12:51:33: Bubble Gum () edad71a4af4c0c5a9041827351383daf - #38 " if (isDedicated) then { _this = [nil,nil,"per",usecEpl]; if (true) then RE;

18.06.2013 12:09:27: Space () e5442a7be0dbd9d69ed3a104fe639e15 - #3 "20Rnd_762x51_SB_SCAR" 0:0

18.06.2013 17:04:32: killak () 953a3914b52c3774ee84abcb7588db89 - #0 "BattleFieldClearance" 111:46 [8971,2787,160]

10.06.2013 08:25:17: Austin ( ) bd66832fe754ffe219aa5a95895d1b64 - #0 " if (isDedicated) then { _this = [nil,nil,"per",usecEpl]; if (true) then RE;

18.06.2013 14:01:20: JHOVANIPARTY () 7e56ce9f8a036ef947197206ed60fc1f - #4 "6Rnd_HE_M203" 0:0

18.06.2013 12:24:58: Jerome Williams () d37e084626377c37834d6fbfbadb0578 - #0 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

19.06.2013 11:38:33: CMX () beba5d699960245596f637697d6311f1 - #0 "BattleFieldClearance" 113:5 [-18638,25814,376]

22.06.2013 16:01:33: sparrow ( ) 0341a8a84aff18a6a58de121d879dc7b - #0 "BattleFieldClearance" 67:11 [0,0,0] - Create Vehicle Crash

22.06.2013 20:15:18: JakelRock ( ) 6f1300c105e349e5b0e0eeb12946d071 - #0 "usecEpi" = <NULL-object>

22.06.2013 20:00:24: [iG]Mitchell ( ) 7f852313d3efa2e0a4c16aca738fc1ab - #0 "norrnRACarUp" = [{ dayzJizz = markerBrush "WHY_YOU_NO_LOVE_ME_AYNMORE"; }]

22.06.2013 19:59:21: [i-G] Xavier ( ) b43cfe96b5bced098d917f29ae50b40c - #0 "norrnRACarUp" = [{ dayzJizz = markerBrush "WHY_YOU_NO_LOVE_ME_AYNMORE"; }]

23.06.2013 09:41:04: Dumpster ( ) 75eba5a9c80f21ea4a8dcf36f55ee5b4 - #0 "BattleFieldClearance" 57:5 [0,0,1]

Edited by jBrick

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08.05.2013 14:15:56: Philx (BLANK) 021b1f3bb6b47761895a04b1dd00fa44 - #0 "UH1H_DZ" 27:132 [10231,2284,22] Chopper Spawning.

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12.05.2013 15:52:15: [A-Gjengen] Trigga (BLANK) 1788b37ef15bad0042bdc26a3c179809 - #1 "ItemSandbag" 0:0

12.05.2013 15:52:15: [A-Gjengen] Trigga (BLANK) 1788b37ef15bad0042bdc26a3c179809 - #1 "ItemSandbag" 0:0

12.05.2013 15:52:15: [A-Gjengen] Trigga (BLANK) 1788b37ef15bad0042bdc26a3c179809 - #1 "ItemSandbag" 0:0

12.05.2013 15:52:15: [A-Gjengen] Trigga (BLANK) 1788b37ef15bad0042bdc26a3c179809 - #1 "ItemSandbag" 0:0

12.05.2013 15:52:15: [A-Gjengen] Trigga (BLANK) 1788b37ef15bad0042bdc26a3c179809 - #1 "ItemSandbag" 0:0

12.05.2013 15:52:15: [A-Gjengen] Trigga (BLANK) 1788b37ef15bad0042bdc26a3c179809 - #1 "ItemSandbag" 0:0

12.05.2013 15:52:15: [A-Gjengen] Trigga (BLANK) 1788b37ef15bad0042bdc26a3c179809 - #1 "ItemSandbag" 0:0

12.05.2013 15:52:15: [A-Gjengen] Trigga (BLANK) 1788b37ef15bad0042bdc26a3c179809 - #1 "ItemSandbag" 0:0

12.05.2013 15:52:15: [A-Gjengen] Trigga (BLANK) 1788b37ef15bad0042bdc26a3c179809 - #1 "ItemSandbag" 0:0

12.05.2013 15:52:15: [A-Gjengen] Trigga (BLANK) 1788b37ef15bad0042bdc26a3c179809 - #1 "ItemSandbag" 0:0

12.05.2013 15:52:15: [A-Gjengen] Trigga (BLANK) 1788b37ef15bad0042bdc26a3c179809 - #1 "ItemSandbag" 0:0

12.05.2013 15:52:15: [A-Gjengen] Trigga (BLANK) 1788b37ef15bad0042bdc26a3c179809 - #1 "ItemSandbag" 0:0

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14.05.2013 14:23:49: Freskie (BLANK) e774a49df26185639f1760bef3f1c534 - #24 2:62 HMMWV_DZ 42:64 Bandit1_DZ -1 [0,-2,0] - TP To Humvee

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Here's my favourite ban of the day: MasterLooser. Wasn't 100% certain on this one so I checked the logs and caught a really weird respawn on a player that didn't die. Banned him anyways and figured I'd let him appeal.... Did a quick Google on his name and pulled up the following:

14.05.2013 17:39:07: MasterLooser (BLANK) a7d9698e7369101da13031d7b2d5f1a3 - #0 134:5 BanditW1_DZ 607391621 [-18639,25825,375]

14.05.2013 17:41:12: MasterLooser (BLANK) a7d9698e7369101da13031d7b2d5f1a3 - #0 134:14 Survivor1_DZ 2125522910 [-18661,25820,377]

Congrat's on posting you exploits MasterLooser... without that I might have unbanned you.

LoL, the following is a message I was sent from MasterLooser





well i am really appreatiated that you post my videos on public forums, wanna make me fame ?

as you can see in the video, i am not hacking, a buddy of me was starting the harlem shake...

anyway, i have really much keys so...

yeah.. but anyway, if i get banned globally, i start talking to my mate and he maybe nukes your server ;)

we gonna see

thanks anyway

greetz masterlooser

Edited by jBrick
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16.05.2013 12:51:11: -=Eskimo=- (BLANK) b195075bc1f89ae19e0fdb06885fb1fe - #0 0.000000 2:177 hilux1_civil_3_open_EP1

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17.05.2013 19:33:23: Saebryn () 9d16c1ef719c5d06d49bcf2ff0856854 - #0 "PipeBomb" 0:0

17.05.2013 19:33:23: Saebryn () 9d16c1ef719c5d06d49bcf2ff0856854 - #0 "PipeBomb" 0:0

17.05.2013 19:33:23: Saebryn () 9d16c1ef719c5d06d49bcf2ff0856854 - #0 "PipeBomb" 0:0

17.05.2013 19:33:23: Saebryn () 9d16c1ef719c5d06d49bcf2ff0856854 - #0 "PipeBomb" 0:0

17.05.2013 19:33:23: Saebryn ( 9d16c1ef719c5d06d49bcf2ff0856854 - #0 "PipeBomb" 0:0

17.05.2013 19:33:23: Saebryn () 9d16c1ef719c5d06d49bcf2ff0856854 - #4 "HandGrenade_Stone" 0:0

17.05.2013 19:33:23: Saebryn () 9d16c1ef719c5d06d49bcf2ff0856854 - #4 "HandGrenade_Stone" 0:0

17.05.2013 19:33:23: Saebryn () 9d16c1ef719c5d06d49bcf2ff0856854 - #4 "HandGrenade_Stone" 0:0

17.05.2013 19:33:23: Saebryn () 9d16c1ef719c5d06d49bcf2ff0856854 - #4 "HandGrenade_Stone" 0:0

17.05.2013 19:33:23: Saebryn () 9d16c1ef719c5d06d49bcf2ff0856854 - #4 "HandGrenade_Stone" 0:0

Edited by Tr1x

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16.05.2013 12:16:22: Ding Dong () 1be11311a84a21a762534866e3e67196 - #0 "Rocket_DZ" 15:97 [1,1,0]

16.05.2013 12:15:21: Ding Dong () 1be11311a84a21a762534866e3e67196 - Script Restriction #138 "Killed" 15:77 Sheep - "if (isDedicated) then {_this = usecMorphine;if (true) then (if (true) then local_zombieDamage);};"

Edited by Tr1x

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19.05.2013 15:41:33: [TRG]Max () a849fd02cde212e14a02612a77089001 - #0 "Killed" 57:28 Sheep - "if (isDedicated) then {_this = usecMorphine;if (true) then (if (true) then local_zombieDamage);};"

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19.05.2013 11:35:33: YoMahBro ( ) cfa7bdbb22c09fcdedf066412c2b7d38 - RemoteExec Restriction #38 "Killed" 216:28 Sheep - "if (isDedicated) then {_this = usecInject;if (true) then (if (true) then local_zombieDamage);};"

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Since I can't post IP's YoMahBro and TRG Max are the same person.

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20.05.2013 13:28:31: kerreck () f3123951b890ba746277ad98e49263ca - #0 "PipeBomb" 73:36 73:5 Camo1_DZ [6584,2407,6] [0,0,0]

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18.05.2013 12:54:55: {Ghille} Sniper () 18479b7071df69ac5847462cc3cd62f2 - #0 88:682 Bandit1_DZ 1602171719 [-18697,25815,379]

18.05.2013 12:55:15: {Ghille} Sniper () 18479b7071df69ac5847462cc3cd62f2 - #0 88:688 Survivor2_DZ 1602171719 [-18682,25925,376]

18.05.2013 12:55:20: {Ghille} Sniper () 18479b7071df69ac5847462cc3cd62f2 - #0 88:695 Bandit1_DZ 1602171719 [8472,2467,2]

18.05.2013 12:55:47: {Ghille} Sniper () 18479b7071df69ac5847462cc3cd62f2 - #0 88:704 Bandit1_DZ 1602171719 [-18697,25815,379]

18.05.2013 12:56:06: {Ghille} Sniper () 18479b7071df69ac5847462cc3cd62f2 - #0 88:710 Survivor2_DZ 1602171719 [-18682,25925,376]

18.05.2013 12:56:10: {Ghille} Sniper () 18479b7071df69ac5847462cc3cd62f2 - #0 88:722 Bandit1_DZ 1602171719 [-18697,25815,379]

18.05.2013 12:56:46: {Ghille} Sniper () 18479b7071df69ac5847462cc3cd62f2 - #0 88:728 Survivor2_DZ 1602171719 [-18682,25925,376]

18.05.2013 12:56:52: {Ghille} Sniper () 18479b7071df69ac5847462cc3cd62f2 - #0 88:737 Bandit1_DZ 1602171719 [9604,1720,6]

18.05.2013 12:57:10: {Ghille} Sniper () 18479b7071df69ac5847462cc3cd62f2 - #0 88:750 Bandit1_DZ 1602171719 [-18697,25815,379]

18.05.2013 12:57:31: {Ghille} Sniper () 18479b7071df69ac5847462cc3cd62f2 - #0 88:756 Survivor2_DZ 1602171719 [-18682,25925,376]

18.05.2013 12:57:39: {Ghille} Sniper () 18479b7071df69ac5847462cc3cd62f2 - #0 88:765 Bandit1_DZ 1602171719 [10584,2056,6]

18.05.2013 12:58:22: {Ghille} Sniper () 18479b7071df69ac5847462cc3cd62f2 - #0 88:856 Bandit1_DZ 1602171719 [-18697,25815,379]

18.05.2013 12:58:42: {Ghille} Sniper ) 18479b7071df69ac5847462cc3cd62f2 - #0 88:862 Survivor2_DZ 1602171719 [-18682,25925,376]

18.05.2013 12:58:48: {Ghille} Sniper () 18479b7071df69ac5847462cc3cd62f2 - #0 88:874 Bandit1_DZ 1602171719 [9320,1915,8]

18.05.2013 12:59:12: {Ghille} Sniper () 18479b7071df69ac5847462cc3cd62f2 - #0 88:892 Bandit1_DZ 1602171719 [-18697,25815,379]

18.05.2013 12:59:31: {Ghille} Sniper () 18479b7071df69ac5847462cc3cd62f2 - #0 88:898 Survivor2_DZ 1602171719 [-18682,25925,376]

18.05.2013 12:59:37: {Ghille} Sniper () 18479b7071df69ac5847462cc3cd62f2 - #0 88:905 Bandit1_DZ 1602171719 [10577,2011,2]

18.05.2013 12:59:42: {Ghille} Sniper () 18479b7071df69ac5847462cc3cd62f2 - #0 88:909 Survivor1_DZ 968330463 [-18709,25923,379]

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21.05.2013 15:25:40: silent warrior ( ) f9097f86d140aa8c43067c8d7a867f76 - #24 24:90 Survivor2_DZ 25:15 Survivor3_DZ -1 [0,-1,0]

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21.05.2013 15:18:58: alex () 55bf6d13aef8195383bff912b7e04db3 - #4 "HandGrenade_East" 0:0

21.05.2013 15:18:58: alex () 55bf6d13aef8195383bff912b7e04db3 - #4 "HandGrenade_East" 0:0

21.05.2013 15:19:04: alex () 55bf6d13aef8195383bff912b7e04db3 - #0 "PipeBomb" 0:0

21.05.2013 15:19:05: alex () 55bf6d13aef8195383bff912b7e04db3 - #0 "PipeBomb" 0:0

21.05.2013 15:19:07: alex () 55bf6d13aef8195383bff912b7e04db3 - #0 "PipeBomb" 0:0

21.05.2013 15:19:08: alex () 55bf6d13aef8195383bff912b7e04db3 - #0 "PipeBomb" 0:0

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Both of these guys are together

23.05.2013 11:20:17: Ryan () 92450e388b621db8a1c6e17a1e59b002 - Script Restriction #138 "Killed" 27:19 Sheep

23.05.2013 11:21:23: Ryan () 92450e388b621db8a1c6e17a1e59b002 - #9 "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag" 0:0

23.05.2013 11:21:25: Humza bin Laden () 1387731aa5caecaa560ff50e5c8893b2 - #17 "M_AT13_AT" 29:20 29:5 Survivor2_DZ

23.05.2013 11:23:27: Humza bin Laden () 1387731aa5caecaa560ff50e5c8893b2 - #0 "AT13" 0:0

Edited by Tr1x

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23.05.2013 14:54:29: TurkeySandwich ( 3609267dac5697e347295dfc9592de5a - #24 46:115 Survivor2_DZ 2:65 HMMWV_DZ -1 [0,-1,0]

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This person was a girl, and a cunty one at that.

24.05.2013 17:18:50: SoftCore () 840e0c817342a4cb66b32bd4cce20f46 - #0 14:242 BanditW1_DZ

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24.05.2013 18:36:58: Rosner (BLANK) 9f35218e1bf3c0c286a3a03fe44eebc1 - #0 "PipeBomb" 59:15 59:5 Sniper1_DZ [10542,2976,141] [0,0,0]

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24.05.2013 17:16:43: SoftCore (BLANK) 840e0c817342a4cb66b32bd4cce20f46 - #0 18:16 Bandit1_DZ [13462,6010,4]

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25.05.2013 02:29:40: [s.P.C.P]SpaRrow () 575fc6af3b4be89eeaf08b41d394bd8a - #0 21:5 Camo1_DZ 1218827843 [-18709,25923,379]

25.05.2013 02:37:41: [s.P.C.P]SpaRrow ( ) 575fc6af3b4be89eeaf08b41d394bd8a - #0 21:54 Camo1_DZ 1218827843 [-18709,25923,379]

25.05.2013 02:38:26: [s.P.C.P]SpaRrow ( ) 575fc6af3b4be89eeaf08b41d394bd8a - #0 21:66 Camo1_DZ 1218827843 [-18709,25923,379]

25.05.2013 02:39:37: [s.P.C.P]SpaRrow ( ) 575fc6af3b4be89eeaf08b41d394bd8a - #0 22:5 Camo1_DZ 1895832101 [-18709,25923,379]

25.05.2013 02:40:21: [s.P.C.P]SpaRrow ( ) 575fc6af3b4be89eeaf08b41d394bd8a - #0 23:5 Camo1_DZ 1939611809 [-18709,25923,379]

25.05.2013 02:41:31: [s.P.C.P]SpaRrow ( ) 575fc6af3b4be89eeaf08b41d394bd8a - #0 23:19 Camo1_DZ 1939611809 [-18709,25923,379]

25.05.2013 02:43:01: [s.P.C.P]SpaRrow ( ) 575fc6af3b4be89eeaf08b41d394bd8a - #0 23:31 Camo1_DZ 1939611809 [-18709,25923,379]

25.05.2013 02:43:49: [s.P.C.P]SpaRrow ( ) 575fc6af3b4be89eeaf08b41d394bd8a - #0 24:5 Camo1_DZ 488830 [-18709,25923,379]

25.05.2013 03:02:18: [s.P.C.P]SpaRrow ( ) 575fc6af3b4be89eeaf08b41d394bd8a - #0 3:5 Camo1_DZ 1098780429 [-18709,25923,379]

25.05.2013 03:02:35: [s.P.C.P]SpaRrow ( ) 575fc6af3b4be89eeaf08b41d394bd8a - #0 3:14 Camo1_DZ 1098780429 [-18697,25815,379]

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25.05.2013 18:57:05: the hitman (BLANK) 961caf321a876f2b0816bb1158929f4a - Script Restriction #138 "Killed" 63:74 Sheep - "if (isDedicated) then {_this = usecTransfuse;if (true) then (if (true) then local_zombieDamage);};"

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HERO hunter () acb4c830bf90a1a1f5331a66239128c8 - Script Restriction #138 "Killed" 8:87 Sheep

bladester22 () acb4c830bf90a1a1f5331a66239128c8 - Script Restriction #138 "Killed" 69:40 Sheep

[Mcr]Survivors () 35e8d0e018f1925080822cba7f7952dd - #0 "CMflareAmmo" 46:263 2:56 [3868,2270,534] [3,-29,0]

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31.05.2013 16:54:25: XOG Quickscops OGX ( ) 1e1d7577647736931cd0ed28c9e0d60a - #0 "TrapBear" 0:0

31.05.2013 16:54:25: XOG Quickscops OGX ( ) 1e1d7577647736931cd0ed28c9e0d60a - #7 "Skin_Soldier1_DZ" 0:0

31.05.2013 16:54:32: XOG Quickscops OGX ( ) 1e1d7577647736931cd0ed28c9e0d60a - #0 "PipeBomb" 0:0

Edited by {NCK} Lady_Lamp
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LOLZYOURDEAD () 65d356418a0445ea6d138f5d8be54c64 - Script Restriction #138 "Killed" 41:43 Sheep

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