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Banned from DE888 (SZG server) for no reason.

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Good day all.

I was playing on this server a week back or so. Spent a lot of time in game.

Got busy with irl stuff, and now I try and rejoin the server, it say's I have been banned.

I get the * You were kicked from the server Battleye:Admin ban * message every time I join.

Could an admin of this server shed some light.

Kindly unban me please. I look forward to playing again.

Ingame nick was - therapist

Thank you.

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if it's a private hive it's possible they banned you for your name

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Therapist isn't exactly 'ni**er', not sure why they would kick for that name. It's not that offensive.

Edited by disorder

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Try and find their website or forum if they have 1.The server owners might not check these forums.

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:::::::::::::: ub[Z]ero[G]aming-Clan :::::::::::::

hallo hier ist ein Admin von SZG Clan DE888 Server wenn ihr probleme oder der gleichen habt meldet euch auf unseren TS server.

Neue IP´s

TS IP Adresse :


Edited by SZG Peacemaker

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