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Yo dawg

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For clarity sake, I'm not complaining or criticizing.

I'm a patient and seasoned tester, and I know this is actually fairly normal behavior for this early in development.

I still find it fun/amusing, and especially get "the lulz" from all the people who still treat DayZ as a gold/master build, and get so angry at the development cycle. :D

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I know right? People here always forget how early the stage this mod is in and have a knee-jerk reaction every time a new update is out. Even if he calls it a "rolling update" people still tend to immediately criticize the mod and team when the a new update rolls out. Calm down everyone. Sit back and take a deep breath.

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Ditto all. Yeah, folks keep saying "ITS A PATCH!!" and don't get the difference between an Alpha hotfix and a patch for a finished product.

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