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DayZ Origins: Enclaves successful raid of Sector B. Wraith on Overwatch with the M14

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We have a private whitelisted server, and our own teamspeak, let me know if you want to help build the Deadlands DayZ Origins community with us, we are accepting any mature, skilled, and fun to play with people. Sadly my squad mates voices were not recorded by fraps, but our raid on Sector B was very successful, I got the majority of the kills, 11 dead mercs were slain by me.

Edited by WraithTheDayZBandit

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you didnt take the best loot....... anyway, this is funny :)

11 dead mercs were slain by me.

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you didnt take the best loot....... anyway, this is funny :)

Haha it was the first time we actually engaged combat with the mercenaries. We're currently looking for more people to join our small group up. My Skype is Freddan962 if someone would be interested.

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