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Looking for up to date server to play on.

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I haven't played DayZ seriously in a little over a year. I've played it on and off for lulz, and I've been playing a lot of normal ARMA.

I spent the last year doing a bit of traveling and focusing on hobbies (Classic car I bought) so I kind of fell out of the loop about everything that's been happening in the world of DayZ other than the standalone stuff and I've gone through the new community change logs.

I have downloaded the latest Beta and DayZ mod. I want to find a server that keeps up-to-date with both of these, and maybe some people to play with. I own a mumble server that I run off of my friends dedicated server, and I prefer to stick to mumble. I can obviously make that mumble server a donation for a clan if anyone's interested, but i'm not just joining or doing that for any clan.

I want to play this game seriously, and take it seriously. If you want me to join your clan remember this:

I do not want to play with little girls who log, or run from fights, or use any exploits. No duping, logging, or running ect. If you bring something you want to keep and get into a firefight while I'm with you, I expect you to back me up and not pussy out. While I'll be taking this seriously, it's still a game. Hording is fucking stupid.

DO NOT bother asking me to join your clan if you're a bunch of cheap bitches.

For those wierdo's that always ask, I'm 20 years old.

NOTE: I don't care for the other maps, vanilla DayZ is what I like, no private hive or weird maps. I don't care the difficulty. I also prefer the server to have the thing where I can see myself on the map.


Edited by yoshimanitsu

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Hey :) Me and my boyfriend have a server, and we are actually hosting a server event at 8pm central time you can read about our event here : http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/134169-planet-f8l-hostage-event/ the forum post about our server is here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/131855-planet-f8l-new-server-us/ you should totally check it out. We have a ton of friendly's and our server is up to date :)

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Join the Applejaxc server at on port 2302. I'm up to date. Server started earlier today. So far I've got a Lee Enfield and 2 magazines. Find me in Cherno and I'll give you a Czech pouch. ;)

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Hey :) Me and my boyfriend have a server, and we are actually hosting a server event at 8pm central time you can read about our event here : http://dayzmod.com/f...-hostage-event/ the forum post about our server is here: http://dayzmod.com/f...-new-server-us/ you should totally check it out. We have a ton of friendly's and our server is up to date :)

You're server is not up to date. You are 5 beta's behind. I can't even join because of that.

Keep the server up to date and we'll talk, maybe.

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Join BeDayZ server!

We have all kinds of stuff (Custom buildings/vehicles/weapons/anti-hax, we do all kinds of events, a big variety between heros, survivors and bandits etc...)

you can check everything out at this website: http://www.bedayz.be/ ;)

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Join BeDayZ server!

We have all kinds of stuff (Custom buildings/vehicles/weapons/anti-hax, we do all kinds of events, a big variety between heros, survivors and bandits etc...)

you can check everything out at this website: http://www.bedayz.be/ ;)

Are you spamming topics with your server details? If you'd actually bothered to read he wants a vanilla server. Stop spamming.

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Are you spamming topics with your server details? If you'd actually bothered to read he wants a vanilla server. Stop spamming.

pppffft, thanks I was just about to tell him to get out. \

Also, I clearly stated NO PRIVATE HIVES.

Should warn this spammer.

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Yeh, he's not far off.

Oh, just as a heads up, there are some good private servers that run Vanilla DayZ. One of the many changes that happened while you were away is that many players have migrated over to private hives because the admins have more control and can deal with hacking more easily. It's down to personal taste though, finding a good server to play in is the key to enjoying DayZ. There's some great admins out there but sadly there's plenty of twats too so it can take a while to separate the wheat from the chaff.

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Yeh, he's not far off.

Oh, just as a heads up, there are some good private servers that run Vanilla DayZ. One of the many changes that happened while you were away is that many players have migrated over to private hives because the admins have more control and can deal with hacking more easily. It's down to personal taste though, finding a good server to play in is the key to enjoying DayZ. There's some great admins out there but sadly there's plenty of twats too so it can take a while to separate the wheat from the chaff.

It's hard to take the idea of doing private though, because that means less players, or when i get bored and want to go have fun killing bandits I can't join another server (say one with 38 people currently in it instead of maybe 5-10 or 0). That's my main issue. I guess I should maybe give it a shot but i haven't seen a up-to-date vanilla private either.

What i missed about the way things were was how everything was DayZ (country code) #-####. Made it a lot easier to filter garbage.

Then again my problem maybe that i don't like using commander or six.

Do you know of a good Private that has a good amount of people in it a lot?

(Also, that was total spam that guy. Not only did I say no private hive, I said up to date and vanilla. If he read any part he would have know. That's someone coming on, posting info without reading and leaving the conversation. Also known as spamming. Which I can deal with a little bit of mods but not full blown everything's different tons of cars/buildings/weapons. I don't mind subtle change, but I like the game as is.)

Edited by yoshimanitsu

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There's quite a few popular private servers that are constantly full, the problem is that most of them aren't vanilla :/. Some only have a few variations though so the experience is just the same. Private doesn't mean it's just a group of friends running about it just means it's not connected to the main hive so any progress you make on that server stays on that server.

Balota Buddies run very good and busy servers but I'm bias because my friends run it :) . They have servers in the UK/US and AUS although the UK one is quiet ATM because it's just gone through some changes. It's not vanilla though, that's the tricky bit.

I've heard good things about BMRF servers too.

Edit - Anyhoo, I'm off to bed, happy hunting.

Edited by Fraggle
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Come to GLG Gaming. We have a teamspeak and our own server and an incredibly active community. All clans and squads are welcome. We accept players of all types. Bandits, Heroes, Survivors, Loners. As well people from all walks of life.

We have our own game server and Teamspeak 3 server.

Server IP:

Teamspeak IP: voice.graylinesgaming.com

We love new players and look forward to seeing you on.

If you hop on the teamspeak and have questions look for Cypher. An' don't forget, Chaney sent yah!

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