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suggest adding a "boss" zombie. Located in a random town. Takes serious firepower to take down. NEVER to be tackled alone.

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As long as it doesn't detract from the realism and make the experience feel too "gamey" i'd be fine with them adding another type of zombie that's rarer, but perhaps a bit more lethal and/or resilient than the rest.

This is meant to be a hardcore zombie survival simulation though, not an arcade zombie shooter. Sticking an obvious "boss" for the player to kill in every town might cheapen the experience.

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we should have a zombie that vomits acid too. Oh and one that can climb up buildings everywhere.

Oh and maybe a zombie that can shoot like the one in Romeos movie

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First two posters you completedly mis interpreted what i said. MrLink this is a ZOMBIE mod and therefor realistic enemys need not apply :) Idea wasnt for an "obvious boss for the player to kill"

it was an idea for a SINGLE advanced enemy in a SINGLE random town. I used the term "boss" because what do you call the zombie leader lol ? :p. Think tyrant in the Resi Evil series, big, bad, and not to be messed with. Make him super tough so many players would be required to take him down.

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No this is a terrible idea. Simple runners make Dayz terrifying and realistic. If you want special zombies go play Left 4 Dead and don't try to ruin Dayz for people who want it to remain realistic.

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How realistic is it that a virus would make "super zombies" as well as zombies? the whole zombie thing is already a stretch... don't make this into another L4D! (great game but completely different design goals).

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Most of what I have seen here is very stupid... but I do like the "general" idea. Not a set boss zombie, but maybe zombie "classes", I.E ones that runs fast, ones that walk slower, ones that can take a few more hits, as we already have monkey like zombies, and crawling ones and the normal ones I don't see why all this couldn't be randomized. No changes to drastic, as said this isn't Left For Dead, which isn't a bad game by any means. Maybe small appearance changes depending on the trait, if at all possible.

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The only problem with the class idea is that even though Dayz is considered a "zombie mod" the zombies are really just infected. They act more like the Rage "zombies" from 28 Days/Weeks Later. The big difference between these guys and a traditional George Ramero zombie is that these zombies can be killed by shooting them anywhere, Ramero zombies are head shot only.

If the Dayz team is going for a more 28 Days/Weeks later zombie than no "classes" should be added. They are simply people with extreme paranoia and dementia with a terrible case of the munchies. They need to eat, breath (etc.) to survive like the rest of us.

Ramero zombies typically go through several different stages which could be considered classes. The first would be the newly infected stage or the "Runner". During this stage the zombie has just risen and can run around for a time (as seen in Ramero's Dawn of the Dead). They are still head shot only, but they run as fast and sometimes even faster than the survivors. The second stage is considered the "walker" stage (as seen in Ramero's Land of the Dead). During this stage the prolonged over use of muscle tissue without giving it rest has broken it down to the point where it is no longer functioning. Walkers now shamble towards their prey in a slower but persistent walk/jog. The final stage is called the "crawler". This stage begins when a zombie either becomes to damaged to walk on its legs or begins to rot away to nothing. Crawlers would be hard to spot in the overgrown grasses and present a huge danger to the careless survivors.

Just my thoughts on how to make this logical.

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Your crys for realizm fall on deaf ears im afraid. If realism is what you want then your playing the wrong game lol. Sadly kids zombies arent real so please stop trying to slate my idea with bad reasoning. However now you mention it.....What if an obese man became infected ? would he not be substantially more difficult to deal with and require more fire power to put down? YES he would. Same goes for a skinny man that has become infected, would that not make him faster on his feet and easyer to put down? YES spo please use your brains a little before slamming this as a cry to spoil dayz and make it like left 4 dead.

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Fairly sure when someone suggest an idea they are not trying to ruin the game, just offering up an idea for feedback on pros/cons. I like the idea of different types other than the ones we have now but I can live with or without it.

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Have you ever been shot by a gun? It takes 1 bullet to kill people as long as you put it in the right area. Bullets punch through concert, a few extra layers of fat wont mean that your fat zombie is any more difficult to put down. And a skinny zombie would run no faster than a fat zombie because they don't have any sort of pain/energy system to hold them back. They will push themselves far beyond the human limit until they get what they are after, which is hopefully your face.

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Can't we just make the zombies require a headshot to kill them (but still allow the ability to take out there legs?)

Everyone knows to kill a zombie u need to blow out it's brainzzzzzz

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Nah, I don't like the idea of a "Boss" zombie that drops any kind of loot. The point of the game is to survive and use the tools available to do so. I'm ok with different types of zombies, as long as they're only slightly different.. maybe little bigger or a little smaller.

I don't like the idea of knowing a certain type of enemy will drop better loot.. why would the zombie even have it on him? Zombies don't use weapons, at least as far as the zombies in this game it seems. Also if it's bigger and has some different abilities (poison? Disease? barf that attracts zombies?) I'm somewhat ok with this as long as these zombies are rare and spawn completely randomly.

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