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After disconnect, your body is still there

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What happened:

Where you were: (all over the map)

What you were doing: (everything and nothing)

*Current installed version: this was with 1.7.1 and higher

*Server(s) you were on: most server

*Your system specs: AMD8150 4,2GHZ 8GB ram sapphire HD7950 3GDDR

*Timeline of events before/after error: anytime of day

i've reported this also here:


but i thought i will post 1 in the bug report section also, i did report this before together with 6 other bugs, but i forgot to add my specs and information. so i guess it didn't get accepted, while it had very important bugs in it which i havn't seen been reported yet.

hope an admin can retrieve that thread i made and to be looked into.

For now i will post about the big bug atm which is the disconnect/body on server bug

When you logout of the server, your character is still visible on the server to others, this happends 8 out of 10 times. you can then loot someone's body as the server sees it as a dead person(but character is standing) then after you looted him and the person reconnects, he still has all his gear. meaning the guy who looted him now duped all his stuff. i tried this while putting some stuff in his backpack and to let him disconnect again.

And yes i could rob his body again and he will still have the same gear he locked off with. only problem sometimes was his backpack got glitched and he couldn't drop a makarov out of it anymore.

hope this can be looked into

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seems to happen less now. but sometimes does still happen. maybe when there is like a delay between server and database?

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This just happened to me and i figured it out. If you log off wielding a pistol then log back on there is a ghost of your self with the same equipment. I tested it a total of 6 times and it worked every time.

Edit: I'm using version currently.

Edited by Bigdogdk

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This happened first to my friend yesterday, and today the body was still there, standing upright and "alive". Then it happened to me today, when The game crashed in the middle of a fight with zombies. I force quit the game, started it back again, and I spawned next to my "other body" complete with duplicates of all equipment. I guess servers will fill up with empty human shells if this isnt fixed quickly...

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Happened to me yesterday.

Everytime I logged off with my secondary weapon (M9 SD) I created a dead clone of myself.

That really troubled me because I got an AS50, NVG etc.

Now we need just some guy passing by one of the few clones I created to have full gear.

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Still current in ARMA 2:96584, Dayz:

Does not need to involve a poor/laggy connection, I've had this happen to me numerous times in random locations.

Body standing, Weapons/Items/Backpack there, I still have mine.

While it wouldn't stop other players from looting it, making it disappear when the same player logged back in would reduce any intentional exploiting a little

Edited by F4tal3rror

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I've experienced this bug before. In all honesty, I find it a welcomed change from seeing 'Trazier was killed' in blue text at the lower left when I log in, then finding myself naked on the shore somewhere (no flashlight, no pack, no painkillers, NOTHING) with my same blood/drink/hunger level as before.

_THAT_ bug pisses me off. This bug is kind of comical. I just wish I could bury the clone of me, because it's literally standing up with a gun pointed out, it's not a scarecrow, it's a scaresurvivor.

Also, the last time this happened, the fake corpse of me had nothing except my primary weapon. No backpack, no inventory, just a 'dead' me standing up with an mp5 submachine gun.

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