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I wanted to confirm this

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Is it possible to change the content in public servers? like adding more buildings and AI, cuz this is what happened in, it's got a ping limit so I'm afraid this would give the players in that region an unfair advantage

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you can only add more buildings and AI in private hives, not sure how though.

Edited by Duddly

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Have to make a custom map in ArmAII editor. But yeah, I think it's only private hives.

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Its certainly possible to add buildings and AI to public servers, ive seen hackers do it enough, permanent ones too.

But it isnt allowed according to the server hosting rules set out by the DayZ dev team.

That server runs the risk of being blacklisted from the public hive.

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it's got a ping limit so I'm afraid this would give the players in that region an unfair advantage

No it's to stop people outside the region causing lag for others, anyone over 120ms should be kicked

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No it's to stop people outside the region causing lag for others, anyone over 120ms should be kicked

Well that's a stupid philosophy. I've got friends with comps that average 140 ping, should they not be allowed to play the game? If you're hitting excessive numbers like 500 then sure, but not 120.

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Its certainly possible to add buildings and AI to public servers, ive seen hackers do it enough, permanent ones too.

But it isnt allowed according to the server hosting rules set out by the DayZ dev team.

That server runs the risk of being blacklisted from the public hive.

Nope, acutally I've reported that server for long, but dev team didn't do anything, now they've got something like a safe zone, loadsa players are stocking up in that area and hop server to kill players in other regions.

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Nope, acutally I've reported that server for long, but dev team didn't do anything, now they've got something like a safe zone, loadsa players are stocking up in that area and hop server to kill players in other regions.

Since the main development team no longer work on the mod (Mod is community run) nothing will happen to those that break any the public server rules.

Stupid, if you ask me.

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