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Battle between 3 friends.

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So in the beginning, there were 3 of us, on a private hive, trying to survive. One of them I was pretty good friends with and the other I knew in the real world but was just tagging a long.

I find a heli, I fix it up, and fly it and pick up the other two, at a gas station. The server had about, 10-15 people on, so we were pretty safe.

Until the tag a long mis-heard me, thinking i was going to kill him, so he shoots me in the head. My friend gets in our UAZ and floors it, believing we were under attack.

After that, its a pretty little fight in skype, and i respawn at cherno. Where I find an enfield and killed a sniper with an m107. Most of the time, i would just take it to a tent and leave it there until it needed to be used. but instead I hiked to where the taggy killed me. and noticed the heli was gone, so I assumed he was going to our tents.

A few minutes later, I find him flying, very slowly, over a town. He was new to the game. I shoot a few bullets into the heli and he freaks out, ejecting, and letting the heli fall and blow up. He was upset and told me he was going to take me out, saying he had the upper hand (?!?!?)

I find him running, and I shoot my pistol near him, scaring him. He turns around and tries to shoot, but before he could I put one to his head.

Next, my friend comes out of nowhere, thinking I was the traitor, and kills me.

This was all on a private hive, so I did not feel guilty becoming a bandit and losing some decent gear.

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I don't mean to be Captain Hindsight, but you should've told your friend what happened in the Skype call.

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This reminds me of this one time...

There were these 5 players all around a campfire, cooking or whatever, way out in the west of the map, above the NWAF, talking about whatever. One of them had a strong-ish accent (I'd say north Georgia or east Alabama), and he seemed to be in some kind of leaderly position.

So I hit the "Talk" button and impersonate his voice.

"Alright everyone, put yer guns down'r'll shoot'ye dead!"

That's all it took for utter chaos to break out, in which 6 players scrambled to kill each other.


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This reminds me of this one time...

There were these 5 players all around a campfire, cooking or whatever, way out in the west of the map, above the NWAF, talking about whatever. One of them had a strong-ish accent (I'd say north Georgia or east Alabama), and he seemed to be in some kind of leaderly position.

So I hit the "Talk" button and impersonate his voice.

"Alright everyone, put yer guns down'r'll shoot'ye dead!"

That's all it took for utter chaos to break out, in which 6 players scrambled to kill each other.


This is how DayZ is played. With utter confusion. Forget organizing, just get use to the most chaotic paranoid setting you've ever played.

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This is how DayZ is played. With utter confusion. Forget organizing, just get use to the most chaotic paranoid setting you've ever played.

Oui, monsieur.

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This reminds me of this one time...

There were these 5 players all around a campfire, cooking or whatever, way out in the west of the map, above the NWAF, talking about whatever. One of them had a strong-ish accent (I'd say north Georgia or east Alabama), and he seemed to be in some kind of leaderly position.

So I hit the "Talk" button and impersonate his voice.

"Alright everyone, put yer guns down'r'll shoot'ye dead!"

That's all it took for utter chaos to break out, in which 6 players scrambled to kill each other.


Haha awesome move. If i wasnt posting from my phone i would have given you a shiny can of beans.

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This is how DayZ is played. With utter confusion. Forget organizing, just get use to the most chaotic paranoid setting you've ever played.

A pint usually keeps me cool headed until someone mentions the slenderman then I come unglued

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