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sashimi (DayZ)

Seeing myself on my own map (with GPS)

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So I was watching a guy stream earlier and whenever he pressed M to pull his map up, he was a blue circle on the map and it showed which way he was looking. He said it was just GPS+Map, which is what I have, but I want to know what I'm missing.. I have a map, GPS, and compass.. However when I look at my map my character isn't anywhere to be found.. I'm new to this game still and rarely make posts, but I legitimately can't figure this out..What am I missing to make my character appear on my own map?

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when you have GPS, press CTRL+M...it brings up a mini nav-map with ur locale.

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Yea I'm aware of the mini-nav the GPS provides, but I'm talking about when I press M.. I know for a fact when I pressed M previously with a GPS and map, it showed me as a blue dot and an arrow with my direction... The mini-nav does help yes, but it's just not the same as seeing myself on the entire map.. Hopefully I can figure out the variable that is causing this difference.

Edit: Also asked the server admin of Chicago 1 at the time, and he told me it wasn't a server setting. o,O

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Yea I'm aware of the mini-nav the GPS provides' date=' but I'm talking about when I press M.. I know for a fact when I pressed M previously with a GPS and map, it showed me as a blue dot and an arrow with my direction... The mini-nav does help yes, but it's just not the same as seeing myself on the entire map.. Hopefully I can figure out the variable that is causing this difference.

Edit: Also asked the server admin of Chicago 1 at the time, and he told me it wasn't a server setting. o,O


That admin is mistaken, go into the editor and place your self on the map then hit preview. When in game open options > game options > difficulty then edit Veteran and enable/disable 'extended map info' and check map. When enabled it will show your position on the map as well as any group/team members and for a short it time will display any targets that have been spotted. These settings can be set at server level.

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Okay so you got your map, your compass, and a shinny GPS. So how do you find yourself on the map without looking for landmark references?

The map comes equipped with x,y coordinates (0XX, 0XX) These are the values you need to pay attention to!

With the GPS you will see a readout, fx: 053047 (somewhere NW, I believe)

So what do I use these numbers for?

1: Split up the numbers accordingly 053 047.

2: On you map go horizontal (x-coords) till you hit 053

3: Then vertical till you hit 047 (y-coords)

Now you have your location on the map. The more you have zoomed in on the map, the more accurate your readings will be.


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No, I've heard its a server setting. In my opinion its stupid and noob-friendly... Kinda lame if you ask me and it completely destroys the purpose of needing a GPS or having to recognize landmarks in order to pinpoint location. Definately needs to be addressed with Rocket and all server hosts because this kiddie-aid shit is dumb.

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It *is* server side then? I opened my map and saw myself. Got worried I came across a nasty bug.

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C'mon people, you can read 12 small posts. I could understand skipping ahead if the thread was pages long but it's not. Irony is few people will read this post.

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There was already a thread for this. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1607 It is not a glitch or hack it is a server setting.

Edit: Also asked the server admin of Chicago 1 at the time' date=' and he told me it wasn't a server setting. o,O


Can you remember his name? This needs to be reported to someone who is able to prevent admins with no clue about the game from being admins.

I found this wiki, please correct me if this does not apply in dayz, http://wiki.zspecialunit.org/index.php?title=ArmA_2_Server_Difficulty_Settings

According to this half the servers are using the wrong labels. If the map indicator is on the server should be market 'recruit'. The ones marked regular seem to be mostly correct but the ones marked veteran usually have too much stuff disabled. I have only ever seen one server marked 'expert' but have played many servers that appear to be using expert settings. This stuff matters. Players need to be able to choose the settings they want to play on. Also Rocket has apparently given guidelines for server admins and 'recruit' server mode is not in them.

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