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Can't join Dayz servers through Arma OA

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This seems like a really temperamental problem as some days I can join UK46 yet others -like today- I cannot. What happens is the server has a red X on it which obviously doesn't allow me to select it.

It says in red: Required 1.62.102285

Is this normal?

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The problem is that your mod version is incompatible with the server. You'd have to downgrade/upgrade to join.

Honestly, I would just use DayZCommander for DayZ. You can upgrade and downgrade as you please, or you can just hide servers that aren't using your version.

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Was having the same problem, it's a dream to have finally found this thread

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The problem is that your mod version is incompatible with the server. You'd have to downgrade/upgrade to join.

Honestly, I would just use DayZCommander for DayZ. You can upgrade and downgrade as you please, or you can just hide servers that aren't using your version.

I use Arma OA for my searches as the M107 bug is completely stopped when searching this way. DayzCommander is ok and I use it often but I prefer searching through Arrowhead.

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I use Arma OA for my searches as the M107 bug is completely stopped when searching this way. DayzCommander is ok and I use it often but I prefer searching through Arrowhead.

You could also use DayZCommander simply to get the IP address, then use the Direct connect through OA to join. :]

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It says in red: Required 1.62.102285

1.62 refers to the AO game patch, you have this already but it can be found here

102285 refers to the beta patches, they can be found here

102285 is quite an old patch, I always thought they were backward compatible ? maybe not

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