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Hero In Need Of a Partner

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I Need a Partner

Hey Guys, I'm in need of a Partner In DayZ.

I'm a very tactical Player, So i have a set of Rules and Expectations


No Bandits

Since Ofcourse I Use Foul Language, Anyone Over 16 Please.

Prefferably Another Hero.

You Must Be Tactical


If We are at the North-West Airfield, Do Not Shoot Unless PROVOKED.

Do Not Talk Over Side Chat At All!

(Which Brings Me To Another Rule)


I Record All Gameplay!

I am hoping i'll be able to become like Frankieonpcin1080p, But taking small steps first.

Servers I Play On

Currently I will not Be Releasing the Names/Ip Adresses of the servers.

I Only Play On DayZ Origins and Chernarus. I Play on Public Hive Servers Only.

I Do NOT play on servers with over 7 People.

I Play On Servers That Look Like This

(DayZ Chernarus [] CH:OFF 3P:ON)



If I Violate Any Sort Of Rule, Or This is Located in the Wrong Section, Please Remove Immediatly.


If You Would Like To Play And Join Me In My "Journey" Please Email Me at Tylerjoseph12@yahoo.com

Please Fill Out This Form Also So i May Approve!



Average Playtime:


Why You Play DayZ:



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I am hoping i'll be able to become like Frankieonpcin1080p, But taking small steps first.

First step: cheat.

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Ok, I notice I might have misworded the end there.

Get as popular as him on YouTube.


Also the seven rule because in my experience, high pop servers are usually full of script kiddies and esp hackers.

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Being in a hero costume dont make u superman.

no matter how much u try being frankie you will always be you, a 16yo wannabe

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Damn, I thought this was all serious, then I realized this post was a joke: "7 people."

........*looks at replies*......... wait one moment, you'er being serious? Taviana and Cherno are both just too big for this my friend. At least up it to 8.

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Being in a hero costume dont make u superman.

no matter how much u try being frankie you will always be you, a 16yo wannabe

Yup I just got owned I'll admit. No I am like the nicest hero you could ever meet.no need for hostility though man, at this point you've just made yourself look less mature than a 16yo. GG WP

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Yup I just got owned I'll admit. No I am like the nicest hero you could ever meet.no need for hostility though man, at this point you've just made yourself look less mature than a 16yo. GG WP

How about you try being you?

come up with something original, dont try to be someone else.

Look at the new Jackfrags series. fucking brilliant

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I'd definitely be interested, if it wasn't for the 7 people rule :(. Any chance on upping that?

How about 20-

I'm sort of the guy that likes to make a camp, and just gather up :) if your still interested, hit me up in PM and I'll give you team speak info. I'm a nice guy no worries ;)

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How about you try being you?

come up with something original, dont try to be someone else.

Look at the new Jackfrags series. fucking brilliant

The new Jackfrags series is a bloody borefest. Each to their own though.

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I would be interested. Not been playing long but not too bad at it, am 35 and not an arse. Happy to play on servers of around 20. Would like to set up camps, I get bored of starting from scratch and not having anyone to watch my back etc... I try to be a hero on the game and help people out. I also try to play tactically.

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