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Anyone else using TrackIR?

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I forgot I had it all hooked up (I used it for Arma2 and DCS:A10) and when i went back to playing DayZ today I turned it on and the immersion was sick. I was sneaking around, could look side to side, and at one point i was running because I heard a zed and i turned my head and... AHHHHHHHHHHHH!.... he was right behind me! with friends!

If you guys want to expand on the experience, its not that expensive to get a TrackIR (I think $100-150 IIRC) and its fun as hell. Use a 5.1 headset (I like the Turtle Beach one) and mount the IR on it... you even get directional audio based on head position (thank you Arma2 for putting that in...)

Anyhow, try it out... and if you have a triple monitor setup, its even better, but thats getting into a lot of scratch for most people. But if you decide on one let me know, i've been tweaking mine for a while to get it working with the right resolution (it crashed a lot until I found a sweet spot)

Disclaimer: I have no financial interest in whoever makes TrackIR

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TrackIR is one of the best gadgets for PC gaming, not only Arma but flight sims, racing sime, etc. I can't recommend it enough, especially when ur flying a chopper in arma - sweet!

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I'll be ordering a TrackIR 5 when I have the spare 200 bucks.

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I have TrackIR 5 and use it for flightsims and race games. I played DayZ with it but for some reason I can't get used to it so I turned it of again..

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I wont play in 3rd person, spoils my immersion, so this has made it epic (and it was essential for DCS:A10) to play sims.

Also, i received a message and the user has his messages turned off (silly...)


Hey, read your forum post about the Track IR. I actually ordered mine last week, and it just came in the mail today. Was wondering if you could let me know what settings worked best for you, so I'd have a good starting point to tweak from, if that makes sense.



ill be totally honest in that I use a barely tweaked version of the default it came with. I decreased some of the rotation speed because i have a triple monitor setup, so i can see behind me while decreasing the amount of head movement i needed.

Don't forget to turn it on in the "controllers" section of options. I think for the pause, center, precision i used the PrtScr Pause/Break and num*

otherwise, if you want, you can google Arma2 TrackIR and a lot of people have their preferred ones... i did this for DCS:A10

its a great investment and super fun to use

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Or you could save $100 and press 'ALT' :P

Well, this is certainly a way to do it but NOTHING beats being able to look around your environment. Its the best $100 spent on a game short of decent keyboard and mouse

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Can anyone offer a hand in enabling freetrack in arma 2? In my settings under controller it is listed. No way to enable it. Just says customize. When I go in there it has unmap.

Edit: Sorry, using facetracknoir for this.

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I've been trying to set up FaceTrackNoIR to see if I really want to spend the money for TrackIR, but for whatever reason I keep getting odd errors that keeps me from using it, so no face tracking for me.

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I just dont see an enable option in the controller settings. I must be looking in the wrong spot.

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Yes, absolutely love it in this game. So useful to take a quick look around for zeds/bandits or to see how many zeds are chasing you. :P

A little thing I do is I lean in toward the screen a little and then hit the "Center" key for trackIR and then lean back to normal distance to get a little wider than normal view of your surroundings.

It also cuts down on your visibility by other players. If you just rotate your head (via TrackIR) your weapon and body are not moving at all, which cuts down on your excess body/gun movement that other scanning the area might pick up due to your entire body and gun rotating as you look around. True you can do this with the built in "rotate head" command but the TrackIR just becomes second nature after a while. Also you can change coarse while running with the mouse as well as being able to look around independently with TrackIR. This is something that cannot be done efficiently with the default "rotate head" command.

I wouldn't want to live without it after having it for just over 2 months. However, I just wish every game that its use would help supported it. :s Mainly, any FPS other than ones built on the ARMA engine currently do not support it. So if you buy it for this you probably wont use if for much else unless you are a Sim kind of gamer, then it is a huge plus to have.

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Personally I disable the Z axis that usually zooms in when you lean forward. One thing I especially like is being able to pop up the iron sight or optics aiming at a doorway or whatever yet still maintain SA by looking around slightly. Really increases immersion in ARMA2 and is great fun. IMO for Flight sim titles its pretty much essential IMO.

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  'Bittereinder said:

To those who don't own a TrackIR' date=' you can try FaceTrackNOIR. It for free and only requires a webcam:



Thanks, it looks like a good piece of software. I'm confused though since if you look away from the screen to look right, how are you gonna see the screen/game? :huh:

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Personally I disable the Z axis that usually zooms in when you lean forward. One thing I especially like is being able to pop up the iron sight or optics aiming at a doorway or whatever yet still maintain SA by looking around slightly. Really increases immersion in ARMA2 and is great fun. IMO for Flight sim titles its pretty much essential IMO.

Yep, any DCS title , IL2, or CloD..could not fly without it. Trackir is brilliant! Game changing.

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  'BasicNerf said:

To those who don't own a TrackIR' date=' you can try FaceTrackNOIR. It for free and only requires a webcam:



Thanks, it looks like a good piece of software. I'm confused though since if you look away from the screen to look right, how are you gonna see the screen/game? :huh:

The software amplifies the movement a great deal, so say you turn you head 10 degrees to the left this results in say 60 degreee view change in the game, you decide how much amplification. It works surprisingly well once you get used to it.

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I, too, tend to lean in, center, sit back. I find the Z axis is a lot like "focusing" on a specific area. Its fairly real effect...

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Thank you to the OP to remember me I bought Track Ir a while ago for flight sim and just forgot I could use it on Arma2...

What a shame I know, still, thank you, I'm gonna have a look 2nite! :))

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