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Melee Weapons, Are they quiet?

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I was not able to play on a stable server last night, and I am curious about melee weapons. Are they quiet? If I kill a zombie with an axe or whatever, will I aggro every other zombie nearby?

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I was not able to play on a stable server last night' date=' and I am curious about melee weapons. Are they quiet? If I kill a zombie with an axe or whatever, will I aggro every other zombie nearby?


Haven't tested myself yet but from what I saw of a user video last night, it seemed like when he/she used the axe if gave up smoke much in the way of a gun (this is temporary doubtless) so I can only assume they have been given the attributes of some gun or another and had the effective range reduced to an extremely short distance in keeping with the range of what an axes swing radius would be, this is all speculation though, I would have to assume were this the case (I only glanced through the video briefly) that it would have also been given a similar "silenced" feature that some guns have.

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